
Rory, born 19 December 2016

Our birthing story…

Firstly I just wanted to give a massive thanks to Melissa and her program (Hypnobirthing Australia Program).  Without Hypnobirthing I would not have had this positive experience to share with you all.

Our baby had been in breech position since week 33, and I had been doing weekly acupuncture to help me turn him around.  Thursday 15th Dec at our 38wk scan, I had been feeling very ill and nausea was at its peak.   I remember getting barely any sleep the night prior and feeling like my tummy was being stretched in a strangely painful way.  This particular scan revealed my baby had in fact turned around!  I couldn’t believe it, all those weeks of hard work and visualising his head down and doing my meditations had finally worked!!  We were on the way to a natural birth! This is why I had felt so ill and stretch.. bubba was working his difficult way around in my womb.  Bless him.

Sunday 18th December 2016:

I woke around 11.30pm with some pretty random feelings along with heartburn and nausea.  I ruled out the fact it could have been labour pains because I was 38wks + 4 days and I had not ‘dropped’ yet.  I used my breathing techniques I learnt through the classes to pass the discomfort and go back to bed.  By 6am I was not feeling right, something was up.  We chose to go to the hospital and low and behold I was in fact showing early signs of labour, however my darling bubba decided he wanted his head up and had turned himself back around to breech.


We made the decision that morning to undergo a Caesarean as my blood work had been a bit ‘off’ during my pregnancy and trying natural may put me and bub at risk.  8.30am, 2 hrs after arriving and preparing us at Mater Mothers, I was in the operating room obtaining the spinal block needle ready to meet my baby.

Throughout the whole experience I visualised my baby and holding him when all this
was over.  I breathed through the needles and surgery and that moment (9.04am) when I first heard him cry I knew it was all over and he was finally here.  With my husband by my side, doing a light touch massage on my arms and over my face, we were able to have our beautiful calm birth we had hoped for from the start.

Does hypnobirthing work? Absolutely!

Melissa, our baby has been nothing but calm, relaxed and a bundle of joy.  He rarely cries, my milk supply is flowing and I’ve had no issues with my breastfeeding or my healing.

Does Hypnobirthing work?  Absolutely!  I was prepared to meet any birth path and the one that was chosen for us delivered the best outcome for me and my baby.

To any couples out there that are stressing about the possibility of a Caesarean, I had NEVER been in hospital, I’d never been in surgery… the most I’d had happen to me in my life was back strain and I was off my feet for a week (which I may add hurt more than this birth)!  So if you’re thinking “I can’t do this” or stressing at the idea of having one, please don’t.  The staff and people at the hospital are such professionals and they do this all day every day and you are in the best possible care.

Thank you so much… I cry every time I look at the photos – it’s like reliving the moment all over again! So blessed to have such a beautiful birth to share with you.

Sarah, Brisbane

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