

The original Hypnobirthing Australia™ program is uniquely designed for Australian mothers and their birth companions. It is the natural approach to childbirth! Hypnobirthing Australia™ classes prepare you with the knowledge, confidence and tools you need to birth calmly. Birth can and should be, a positive experience – one that you will always want to remember.

Our program is designed for both natural and caesarean birth, which is why it is revolutionising birthing in Australia. Basically – we promote POSITIVE birth and are well prepared for whatever turns our birth may or may not take. Chances are, our birth will be natural, but all throughout the course is it emphasised that the techniques serve us well in either scenario.

A positive birth doesn’t just come down to ‘luck’... it is very much to do with preparation

How does hypnobirthing work?

Hypnobirthing is as much a philosophy of birthing as it is techniques. When a mother and her birth partner are able to approach their birth without fear and with knowledge, good support, and tools for the birth – then their birthing can be a positive and empowering experience.

We prepare ourselves both body and mind leading up to birth – so by the time birth comes around, we go into ‘automatic’ mode. Our mindset is positive, and this has a physiological effect on our body (i.e. we are not as likely to go into that ‘fight or flight response’). Because we are calm and feel safe, we release a cocktail of wonderful hormones (including endorphins and oxytocin) that reduce discomfort and help labour move along with ease.

We have our birth partner totally on board – they know what to do, and what to say, this allows us to release and let go.

We’ve thought ahead regarding our birth preferences and discussed them with our caregivers and birth partner prior to the birth. This ensures that everyone is in the loop and we can just switch off our neocortex during the birth and get on with the most important job… bringing our baby into the world safely.

Hypnobirthing uses a combination of different techniques

Acupressure technique used in hypnobirthing class

The Hypnobirthing Australiaprogram incorporates the teachings of many famous and respected birthing experts throughout history – giving you the complete advantage in your preparation for childbirth.

Hypnobirthing uses a combination of different techniques and philosophies that have existed for many, many years. Ancient wisdom is combined with modern theory – giving you the advantage in your acquisition of knowledge as you prepare for your birth.

Not all hypnobirthing programs are created equal, though.  The Hypnobirthing Australia program is the most modern, comprehensive and popular hypnobirthing course in Australia. Click here to read more about the Hypnobirthing Australia difference.

Where does hypnobirthing come from?

Natural birth is not a new concept! Our ancient mothers and sisters birthed naturally without the use of anaesthesia or many of the interventions that are common today. The Hypnobirthing Australia program can help you to prepare for a calm and positive natural birth; whilst at the same time having the knowledge and tools to effectively deal with any special circumstances if they were to arise.

Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, an English obstetrician was one of the first ‘modern’ doctors to forward the concept of natural birthing in the 1920′s. Since then there have been many influential advocates for natural birth, such as the French obstetrician Michel Odent and leading midwife/author Ina May Gaskin. Popular courses have also been developed to prepare mothers for birth. Some examples are: The Lamaze Method, The Bradley Method, Hypnobirthing – the Leclaire Method, HypnoBirthing – The Mongan Method, Hypnobirthing International, GentleBirth, Calmbirth, Hypnobabies and the list goes on. 

The Hypnobirthing Australiaprogram incorporates the teachings of many famous and respected birthing experts throughout history – giving you the complete advantage in your preparation for childbirth. You deserve special care as you make this exciting and unique journey with positive anticipation and confidence.

What is the 'hypno' part of hypnobirthing?

The ‘hypno’ part of ‘hypnobirthing’ refers to the hypnotherapy that we use during the program to release fears and condition ourselves to release endorphins at times during our birth. With the help of hypnotherapy, the birth of your baby can be a more calm and relaxed experience; one where you are in the driver’s seat, rather than feeling like a passenger. This is likely to reduce the need for interventions during your birthing.

Pregnant mother in long white dress holding belly

The benefit to you!

In your classes, you will gain an understanding of how the birthing muscles work in perfect harmony, as they were designed to when your body is relaxed and you have faith in your bodies ability to birth.

Techniques that you learn through the course will help you achieve a deep state of relaxation, enabling your body to open up without resistance. In this calm state, your body’s natural relaxant, endorphins, will replace the stress hormones (which can cause your uterus to constrict and create tension and pain). You will also have tools to bring yourself back into a calm state, if your birthing takes a different turn to expected or if you have difficulties with the intensity experienced. Your birth partner will learn ways to help you throughout pregnancy and birth. This is very useful for the mother and very empowering for the birth partner. Many hypnobirthing mums comment after birth that they and their birth partner ‘did it together.’

Of course, the mother did most of the physical and inward work during the birth; but the advantages of having the support of a good birth partner cannot be underestimated. When you have your baby with hypnobirthing, you will not be in a trance or asleep. You will actually be in a heightened state of awareness – awake, but deeply relaxed. You may look like you are asleep at times; however, you will be aware of what is going on around you when you need to be. You will be calmly in tune with your body and your baby and this will assist the birth to progress. When it feels right, you will move around and may even speak and vocalise. You will help direct the course of your own birth.

How can I learn hypnobirthing?

Pregnant couple using laptop

There are a few different types of ‘hypnobirthing’ courses available out there, however, the Hypnobirthing Australia™ Program is Australia’s most popular and widely used childbirth education course. Our program is very evidence-based and down-to-earth, and the program incorporates tools, knowledge, support and a method of preparation for birth.

The Hypnobirthing Australia program is a unique and very up-to-date hypnobirthing and childbirth education course different to Calmbirth and other hypnobirthing programs.  It is a stand-alone course which has been written by a hypnobirthing and childbirth education specialist – Melissa Spilsted. We are offered independently through childbirth educators throughout the country and also through many health services and hospitals. More parents attend our childbirth courses than any other in the country. The reason why our program has risen in popularity is – it works!

Our Positive Birth Program hypnobirthing course and hypnobirthing online course (options for natural and caesarean birth) are doable and relatable, and everything we teach is backed up with current evidence. Knowledge is power. Caregivers (midwives, doctors, obstetricians) also recommend our course because they can see the difference it makes. 

Parents and educators who have attended other programs have often commented that our program resonates better with them (you only have to read the hundreds of positive birth stories from parents who have attended the course).  Perhaps it is because our emphasis is on a ‘positive’ birth above all else. We are passionate advocates for natural birthing; but also recognise that sometimes the safest delivery for mother and baby is via caesarean.

We have face-to-face and online versions of the course for ALL types of birth. Our flagship course is the Positive Birth Program and we also have our world-first Positive Caesarean Course. We are unapologetically, unashamedly, all about POSITIVE birth regardless of how our baby comes into the world. 🙌

All parents receive high-quality and relevant hypnobirthing resources when attending a course. We also complement the training with a wealth of online resources for further practice, this can be easily accessed by parents via an app.

Ensure that you are attending the most modern, up-to-date, evidence-based hypnobirthing course available. You deserve special care as you make this exciting and unique journey with joyous anticipation and confidence.