
Vera August, born 24 December, 2016

Annabelle’s birth story (3 times STAR hypnobirthing mama – attended a Hypnobirthing Australia™ Refresher Class)…

hypnobirthingDear Melissa

I have some special news to share! Our little Vera August was born on Christmas Eve – 6.3 pounds, named after her great Grandma.

My birth story is very different to my other two. (Click to read Annabelle’s birth story for hypnobub # 1)

In mid December my Grandma was put into palliative care, she is 92, but completely with it and we are all very close. So it was quite a traumatic time thinking that she might not make it to Christmas. I got a little run down (possibly from the emotion of it all) and just before Christmas got tonsillitis.

I never got to contact you re our second lesson but I kept doing all my hypno-prep as best I could. But was completely fatigued in the lead up and when I started surges (after waiting for this day to come and hoping it would happen sooner) I said to Paul “oh man I am too tired to have a baby today”.. Anyhow I rested as long as I could and then we went to hospital.

I was “only 2cm” which I knew to ignore but literally could not stop coughing. Anyhow Paul and I were left alone to rest and labour away and I was actually impressed with Pindara for not coming and intervening too much. When my obstetrician came to see me that day she was concerned a little about the baby’s heart rate it was dropping on and off and so I had to stay with the monitor. Which was frustrating…. Anyhow once my waters broke I was in the bathroom and quite alarmed to discover they were not a nice colour at all. I called the midwife and we called the obstetrician back in and little baby Vera had pooped. This combined with her heart rate dropping here and there meant that she had me on the monitor a lot more than I wanted but also that she wanted to get Vera out sooner than later. This was all very foreign for me and I just kept hearing your affirmation:

 “I am prepared to calmly meet whatever turn my birthing takes”.

So the doctor said “Look let’s pop you on the drip and get these contractions working for you so baby isn’t distressed” (It had been hours and they hadn’t got closer together) and that I would have a contraction every 3 mins. Paul stepped in and said “She won’t cop that, she is exhausted”. So I went for the drip and an epidural. Something I never thought I would do. But just had to make a call (calmly).

I was lying on the bed only one hour after this was done and I asked my midwife why I could still feel contractions, she said I must of had a window, where the epidural wasn’t working. So over my right hip I could feel sensations and I was pleased I felt I had something to work with. I then asked if I would go into transition still.. she said maybe.

Well I immediately started vomiting and then I looked at her and said ‘I need to push’. She jumped up and checked and said “you are bang on” haha… So they quickly called the doctor (she had missed the birth of my other two kids and so was so wanting to be there). I got Paul to get me out of the recline by propping the bed up to a 90 degree angle and I felt that most wonderful urge to push. I even had to pant a little so the doctor made it just in time. And on my last push she said I could reach down and lift Vera out onto my chest myself. It was a really nice ending and no one told me when to push it was fully directed by me. And is Vera calm and cruisy? She sure is ! And Grandma Vera is still with us and got to meet her too!

Can’t thank you enough again for all your guidance, Melissa! Those affirmation tracks should be mandatory for every woman that gets pregnant! So, so empowering.

I have attached a photo of Vera with her most doting big brother and sister 🙂

Lots of Love to you

Annabelle x

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