Can’t make it to a private Positive Caesarean Birth course with a Hypnobirthing Australia Practitioner? No worries; we have a FANTASTIC online option available for you (and you can even upgrade with a 90-minute private session too if you wish).

The Hypnobubs® Positive Caesarean Birth Course uses knowledge, tools, support and a positive mindset to help you prepare for a calm and positive birth experience. Contrary to what some people believe; you do have options when having a c-section, and your choices can have a huge effect on your state of mind as you birth, comfort, the atmosphere of the room, and your baby’s introduction to the world. 

You prepare well for important events in your life and are used to making empowered choices… birth should be no different! This course will help you to prepare for the sort of birth that you will ALWAYS want to remember. 

What's so special about the course?

These childbirth classes are all online, which means that you can access your learning & resources anytimeanywhere (you have access to wifi), anyhow (on your mobile phone, tablet or computer). Perfect!

This world first course has been meticulously designed to be easy to followdown-to-earth and comprehensive all at the same time. Melissa is a world expert in childbirth education – so you’re in good hands!

Let’s not forget all of the awesome resources that are included with the course! MP3 tracks, eBook, videos, sample birth preferences and worksheets. Everything you need to prepare for your positive cesarean birth!

Melissa Spilsted Photo

Meet your hypnobirthing instructor

Melissa is a passionate advocate for natural birthing but also recognises that sometimes the safest delivery for mother and baby is via c-section.

In 2011, Melissa Spilsted pioneered a special hypnobirthing course incorporating relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques and specifically designed to prepare parents for a positive caesarean birth.

This world-first course utilises gentle, family-friendly birth preferences, with the preparation of the mind/body, for calm and joyful birthing. It has been featured on Channel 7 Sunrise, The Courier Mail and other national media, and has received international acclaim. 

More on Melissa →

Melissa Spilsted has been featured on these platforms



You will receive access to comprehensive, easy-to-follow, video lessons for positive caesarean birth, including practical exercises. You receive instant access to everything as soon as you enrol. You can login and take back up where you left off and can re-watch the lessons over and over again if you like. It’s very flexible. 


Hypnobirthing mp3 practice tracks – professionally recorded and renowned for their effectiveness. These tracks are downloadable and are a combination of music and guided hypnosis (hypnosis for childbirth and positive affirmations – to help build, support, and maintain your positive mindset (and these can be used during your birth as well).


Hypnobirthing, self-hypnosis, breathing, and visualisation practice sessions PLUS a ‘Birth Rehearsal’ for yourself and your birth partner – so that you can practice your techniques together!

A modern and inspiring Cesarean Birth Video – especially annotated so that you can see how the techniques are applied in practice.


Online support via the learning platform  – You can leave comments and ask questions throughout the course. We are there to support you.

Private session upgrade option – if you decide that you could benefit from a private one-on-one session with a Hypnobubs ‘Positive Caesarean Birth’  Practitioner whilst enrolled in the course.


Downloadable PDF Resources & Worksheets – including eBook, guided hypnosis scripts, practical exercises, birth partner’s cheat sheet, sample birth preferences, and a routine for practice, and more!


Access to our private members-only ‘parents support group’ on Facebook – for daily inspiration and ongoing support. Available to all members enrolled in a Hypnobubs Hypnobirthing Online Course.

Course modules



– Understanding how our minds work
– What is self-hypnosis
– What does a ‘positive birth’ mean to me?
– How fear can affect our body and birth
– Thoughts are powerful
– Reprogramming our subconscious/ conditioning 
– Language of positive birthing
– The power of affirmations
– Pre-birth bonding 
– Healthy mother, healthy baby
– Tips for a healthy recovery


– The importance of facial relaxation
– Relaxation Breathing – the most efficient path to ‘calm’
– Music for birthing
– Using touch to release endorphins
– Instant relaxation techniques for use through pregnancy, birth and recovery
– Specific self-hypnosis techniques for pregnancy, birth and beyond
– Visualizing birth
– Hypnotic anchors and triggers for deep relaxation


– Further reading and research
– Birthing Preferences
– The Gentle/Natural/Family Friendly Cesarean Birth
– Baby’s microbiome
– Bonding with baby at birth
– Initiating breastfeeding


– Communicating with our caregivers
– Birth partner’s role
– Cheat Sheet and Birth Partner Prompts
– ‘Birth Rehearsal’ practical session


– Fear Release and visualization of birth practical session


– Routine for practice
– A positive cesarean birthing video

Caesarean Course - Alexandra

We were able to prepare for our Caesarean Birth in a Calm, Loving and Positive Way!


Caesarean Course Testimonial - Eryn

I can’t recommend the Positive Caesarean Course, or Hypnobirthing in general, highly enough.


I have already recommended the Hypnobubs Positive Cesarean Online Course to a couple of pregnant friends
and will definitely be using the tools for my next baby.



Positive Caesarean Birth - Mother and Newborn Child Birth in Maternity Hospital. Young Mom



This course is especially designed for mothers & birth partners specifically preparing for a positive and empowered cesarean birth.

Includes 24 months of access to:

  • Comprehensive video sessions
  • 5 x long-play relaxation MP3 tracks (downloadable)
  • eBook ‘The Positive Cesarean Birth’ (downloadable)
  • Downloadable resources & worksheets
  • Online support
  • Option to upgrade to a private 90-minute session with a certified Practitioner




For parents who have already attended hypnobirthing classes and find out that may require a c-section.

Our specially adapted version of our Positive Caesarean Birth Online Course builds on your prior learning and helps prepare you for this Change of Circumstances.

Includes 12 months of access to:

  • A selection of video sessions from The Positive Cesarean Birth Online Course which builds on your prior learning and knowledge
  • 5 X long play MP3 tracks (downloadable)
  • eBook ‘The Positive Cesarean Birth’ (downloadable)
  • Downloadable resources & worksheets
  • Online support


young pregnant black women holding her belly


You have full access to the Positive Caesarean Birth Online Course videos, MP3s, downloads and resources from the Hypnobirthing Australia™ online learning platform for 24 months following your enrolment. You can save all of the PDFs, eBooks and MP3s to your computer for future access beyond this period, however please note that there isn’t a way to save the videos.
We update our courses on a regular basis and provide the online support throughout, so that’s why we limit access.

Mum’s often ask us, when is the best time to attend classes? We answer – anytime is possible! The main thing is that you have the opportunity to learn these techniques before you birth.

Having said that; the ideal time to start the course is between 20-30 weeks of pregnancy. This gives you ample time to practice the techniques leading up to birth.  Although it is also fine to begin further along in pregnancy.

Absolutely! Many parents who have attended the course later in pregnancy, have achieved excellent results. Determination is the deciding factor when it comes to hypnobirthing success. Please feel free to contact your closest ‘Positive Caesarean Trained’ Practitioner to discuss more intensive training options if needed.

You receive over 3.5 hours of high-quality video tuition with Australia’s leading hypnobirthing expert, Melissa Spilsted. However, please note that course lengths do vary (please refer to the product descriptions for full details). 

The course is fully comprehensive hypnobirthing childbirth education course and is divided into five core modules showing you step-by-step how to achieve a calm and positive birth. It is easy to follow, comprehensive and fun (refer to the ‘Course Modules’ section above for further details). 

Because this is online, you can study at your own pace. It’s very flexible!

The course is structured in such a way that the birth partner is encouraged to attend as they will learn how to best support and advocate for you during your pregnancy and birth. We even have a special module dedicated to the ‘Birth Partners Role’ and a ‘Birth Rehearsal’ practical exercise so you can practice the techniques together!

Having said this, sometimes there are reasons why the birthing mother needs to attend the course solo – and this is also completely fine. You never really are alone, because your birth partner is also your baby. 😊

The course is secured on an online learning platform so you can log into the course anytime using any internet enabled device (phone, tablet, computer etc) and take back up where you left off. You can watch the lessons over again if you like.
You can login to the online learning platform as many times as you need. It’s one login, but no restrictions on devices or anything.
You also have access to an app, so you can easily access the content on your mobile device.
You can save all of the PDFs, eBooks and MP3s to your computer for future access beyond the course access period, however please note that there isn’t a way to save the videos.

You can leave comments and ask questions throughout the course, as we are there to support you along the way.

And – if you decide that you would like a private one-on-one session to compliment the course, this upgrade is also available.

Yes, you can! However, if you have previously attended hypnobirthing classes another option available to you is to attend our Change of Circumstances online course which is a special adapted version of the full course. It will serve you well as a refresher.