The Natural Caesarean – a Family Friendly Approach

Although much effort has gone into promoting early skin-to-skin contact and parental involvement at vaginal birth, caesarean birth remains entrenched in surgical and resuscitative rituals, which delay parental contact, impair maternal satisfaction and reduce breastfeeding. We describe a ‘natural’ approach that mimics the situation at vaginal birth by allowing (i) the parents to watch the birth of their child as active participants (ii) slow delivery with physiological autoresuscitation and (iii) the baby to be transferred directly onto the mother’s chest for early skin-to-skin. Studies are required into methods of reforming caesarean section, the most common operation worldwide.

Do you wish for your Caesarean birth to be a calm and beautiful experience?

Contrary to what many parents believe, you do have options, and your choices can have a huge effect on the atmosphere of the room, mother’s comfort and your baby’s introduction to the world.

In the course ‘Preparation for Caesarean Birth’, we teach the birthing mother and her birthing companion techniques for relaxation and self-hypnosis to assist in achieving a calm and family-friendly cesarean birth.

At a recent c-section birth conducted at the Wesley Hospital in Brisbane, the birthing mother was so calm (with the use of these techniques) that her heart rate actually went down at times of the procedure when the mother’s heart rate normally escalates. The obstetrician and anaesthetist were amazed at how calm the birth and how well mother and baby were throughout! Here is a photo of the birthing mother – Elizabeth from Ashgrove the moment she received her baby… a magical moment!

“The hypnosis was WILD and real and absolutely indescribable. We’re the talk of the Wesley! Have been using breathing, music and affirmations during post op pain and am pretty much down to just taking pain killers twice a day and Panadol.  Another VERY thrilled customer to add to your list of successes!” Elizabeth, Ashgrove, Brisbane

In our Preparation for Caesarean Birth Course, we cover:
  • Building a Birth Plan – Options
  • Relaxation techniques for pregnancy, birth and beyond
  • Breathing
  • Importance of Facial/Body relaxation
  • Instant relaxation techniques
  • Affirmations
  • Deepening techniques and scripts
  • Visualisations
  • Self–hypnosis techniques (and teaches the birthing companion how to assist the mother in getting into a hypnotic state)
  • Fear Release

The course is conducted over a 4-hour session and includes a folio of resources.

You can search our directory to find a ‘Positive Caesarean Practitioner’ near you: FIND A CLASS
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