
Aarre Thomas born 27 October 2011

377807_10150446263142149_360037147148_8833397_960984465_n-199x300Baby Aarre Thomas Robison was born on the 27th Of October… 16 days late!!!

I had to be induced :( I couldnt get anymore time out of the doctors, they were starting to get worried even though me and bub were doing fine.

Although things didnt go exactly to plan i think i had quite a calm birth i was extremely relaxed thoughout most of the birth and the midwives were quite interested in what we were doing and thought i was going awesome.

I truly believe that all the visulastions and meditations have made my baby so relaxed and peaceful he has been sleeping the whole night since 2 weeks old he is so placid… he hardly ever cries… im the luckiest mumma, he is awsome for me. I think my relaxed state thoughout pregnancy and childbirth have really impacted on how he is as a baby. I want to thank you, i tell everyone i know about hypobirthing and i think its going to be extremely helpful next time around too :)

So many people say to me how lucky iam to have a such a good baby and i tell them its not luck its “Hypnobirthing” and being so relaxed 😉 Thanks again Melissa for all your encouragement and support during this special time :)
Ellie and Marc xoxo

ps. Also some research i found when i went over due, is that after 42 weeks of pregnancy you have a 1.19% chance of stillbirth thats why they want to induce you, but you have a 50% chance of c section and all the risks that come with major surgery from induction. So when the doctors where throwing there statistics at me I said to them i think i will go with the odds that i have 98.81% chance of not having a stillborn because if you where told a horse had that chance of winning you are going to bet on that horse :)

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