
Lucia Rita born 29 November 2012

We’re happy to announce the arrival of little Lucia Rita on 29th November at 10.25am. Our second daughter arrived in a different way to our first (and of course to what we had planned!) but was a happy and positive birth in the end! We wanted to take a moment to say thanks for all your assistance with the birth through your support and Hypnobirthing techniques and a little about Lucia’s birth story.
Following 10 days after our estimated date and with a few practice starts earlier on in the week we decided to be induced thursday 29/11 at 1am. I was pretty disappointed having to be induced as our first birth was spontaneous with waters breaking at home (about 6 days over) and was hoping something similar for this pregnancy too. However, talking this through with my husband Gareth that night and attempting to look at it from the best possible light, I went into Pindara Hospital and we settled in well. I felt comfortable with where I was and Gareth set up the birthing suite with relaxing music, put pictures of us up, dimmed lights  and ensured our birthing preferences where with the midwife station & discussed before I was induced with the gel. Surprisingly, when they were doing the standard heart checks on the baby before the gel I was having light contractions about 10mins apart.  After the gel was used, I didnt need any further intervention which was fantastic and more than I could have hoped.  I was concerned being induced was going to mean further interventions and possible epidurals etc. As the first birth ended with an epidural I really was hoping not to for this one.
I was able to only rest lightly for about an hour before everything started happening.  For the early hours during the first surges it wasnt too bad. I was in the shower and able to breath through these (they still felt pretty intense at the time!) and with a mobile ECG unit that I requested going into the birthing suite, the midwives were able to do their necessary checks while I was in there.  This was better than being strapped to the bed with a non-mobile unit and had found this out after the last birth.  As the morning went on and they increased in intensity I found lying on my side in the fold out bed/ squatting over the toilet the best options and using the slow breathing as well as staying calm and relaxed as much as possible.  We had relaxing music playing in the room during this and my husband was with me encouraging me during this. At 7.30am my obstetrician arrived and did the only internal I had and I was around 5cm. At this point I did want to know and found it encouraging since my last birth I didnt progress past 3cm. He said there really was no need for breaking waters as everything was progressing well and he’d be back around 10.  I thought I would be only a little bit away so this was a bit annoying but didnt put me off.  I kept going with the shower and toilet after this and the birth breathing started to tranisition with the slow breathing shortly after.  I felt maybe I shouldnt start the birth breathing without knowing I was definitely ready but Gareth kept encouraging to go with how you feel and not worry and relax! The midwife was quietly supportive in the background and tried to not intervene which we appreciated.  Whilst I had been given a few midwife names that were experienced with Hypnobirthing, we didnt get any of them and this midwife could not have provided better support and we were very happy with her. A real positive for Pindara Hopsital.
Eventually, I moved to the hospital bed to squat over the back of the bed, leaning on the head for support and kept going with the birth breathing. The doctor was called or he turned up and by this time I was definitely in the most intense part of the birth! It was very different to feel the ‘pushing’ urge which I missed in the first birth with the epidural and I think this went for about an hour.  I know some people seem to have a couple of birth breaths and they pop out but this didnt happen for me! It was an effort and I felt at times (esp the end) I felt tense but never did I feel I couldnt do it and being that close gave me the energy to continue. Time did feel to drag a bit at this point but again that could just be me and Gareth said honestly it didnt take that long and went very quickly.  Perhaps he can give birth next time!! My waters were broken after her head came out as the doctor noted it was safer for them not to breath in stuff at this point and then her body came out straight after.  The obstetrician didnt use any intervention and respected our wishes to leave the umbilical cord and birth the placenta naturally too.  He said he’d go as the midwife could handle the placenta and it could take a while but as he was saying it I had a contraction and it came out within 15mins after birthing Lucia! Think he was quiet surprised!
We were then left to bond together for about an hour which was just fantasitc.  Lucia was put on me and breastfed straight away and Gareth also got some skin-to-skin contact after.  The measuring was all done after this and I was able to go and have a shower while Gareth assisted the midwife.  I felt tired but able to get straight up after birth and was moving around well over the coming hours.  It definitely beats having an epidural and being stuck in bed with a cathedar after birth! We had some comments from midwifes saying they couldnt believe we’d birthed the baby already as it was so quiet (although I felt Id been noisy) and that the lady in labour next door had been inspired by this (apparently).  Later on a few other nurses also commented and were interested in the sign on the door and that we were the couple that had been in there.  They seemed interested in Hypnobirthing while not necessarily understanding/ trained in it which was positive. Hopefully, more nurses do get involved over time to come.
So thats how it all went and whilst a longer story than intended I hope it may give some assistance to those being induced or second time round mothers who are hoping for as natural birth as possible. I’m thrilled by both my daughters’ births and that they are happy and healthy little girls but Lucia’s birth has definitely been a much more calmer and relaxed birth which is mostly due to Melissa’s assistance with Hypnobirthing techniques learnt this time around.  Thanks again for all your support and some photos attached below!
xx Amanda, Gareth, Vera & baby Lucia xx
Gold Coast group
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