
History of Birth: Natural Birth isn’t a new concept!

History of Birth: Natural Birth isn’t a new concept!

Happy pregnant coupleYou’ve been misled … How we birth may have changed but our bodies haven’t! 

⁠We recognise that medical intervention helps save lives and is needed in special circumstances. However, did you know our ancient mothers and sisters all birthed naturally without the use of anesthesia or many of the interventions that are common today. 

Natural birth is not a new concept! 

​​Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, an English obstetrician was one of the first ‘modern’ doctors to forward the concept of natural birthing in the 1920′s. Since then there have been many influential advocates for natural birth, such as the French obstetrician Michel Odent and leading midwife/author Ina May Gaskin. Popular courses have also been developed to prepare mothers for birth.

It is only in modern times with the influence of modern medicine that the way in which we birth has changed.

In ancient pictures and drawings, you see women birthing in all different upright positions, no medical settings, and only the necessary people there to assist. ⁠

History of birthancient mothers birthingPioneer birth scene of two women and two men assist during childbirth

⁠The Hypnobirthing Australia™ program incorporates the teachings of many famous and respected birthing experts throughout history – giving you the complete advantage in your preparation for childbirth.

Hypnobirthing uses a combination of different techniques and philosophies that have existed for many, many years. Ancient wisdom is combined with modern theory – giving you the advantage in your acquisition of knowledge as you prepare for your birth.

Not all hypnobirthing programs are created equal, though.  The Hypnobirthing Australia program is the most modern, comprehensive, and popular hypnobirthing course in Australia. 

⁠You deserve special care as you make this exciting and unique journey with positive anticipation and confidence!⁠ Learn everything you need to know about hypnobirthing here.

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