
We felt in control and able to make the best decisions for us and our little girl

Courtney’s Birth Story

positive breach birth experienceCourtney & Clinton

Baby Maggie

4th Jan 2021

Derby Hospital


Following the positive birth program I worked practicing my relaxation every couple of days by listening to surges by the sea. Still to this day I have not successfully heard the whole thing as I fall asleep each time, but at least I’m relaxed! I’m not really an affirmations person but my partner and I stuck a few up on the bathroom mirror. I also found an Australian podcast that shared positive birth stories which I listened to at the gym up until 38 weeks. I purposely waited until after Christmas (39 weeks) before I started my antenatal expressing and raspberry leaf tea. At my 39 week check I was very prepared to go over with no stress and definitely no need for induction.

On Monday I woke up ready to go swimming to get my exercise in and surprise surprise my waters broke whilst I was brushing my teeth.

I knew to go in for a quick check but as I’d had no strong surges I was confident that we’d be going home until things progressed. After a quick check with the midwife we had a plan of what time I needed to return to start antibiotics as per policy and I was fine with this. I was prepared for all the different ways I could go home and try and get things moving along naturally.

As the doctor was about and I hadn’t seen a doctor since week 13 (as I’m so low risk for my first pregnancy) he came in for a quick check. After he had a quick feel he decided to a bedside ultrasound. He then posed the question to my partner and I- do you see what I see? We both said no and then he moved the probe up under my ribs and said what about now. We quickly realised that our little bub had been fooling all of the midwives since about 32weeks and was breach!

As Derby is not able deliver breach bubs a plan was made for caesarean that afternoon. We were able to bargain going home for a couple of hours to prepare ourselves both mentally and physically. On return to be the ward and waiting in theatre my surges were getting stronger and we were able to use breathing, positioning and acupressure.

I had my play list ready to go (which the theatre nurses loved) and was surrounded by such a caring team of my colleagues. We had hoped for delayed cord clamping but bubs health needed to come first and she needed a bit of oxygen. As soon as she was ready they helped me have skin to skin snuggles with our baby girl Maggie.

I feel so positive about how the day went and am grateful for learning that she was breach at 10am and not midnight when we were due back in if things hadn’t progressed. We felt in control and able to make the best decisions for us and our little girl. I actually feel lucky that we didn’t know she was breach as she got to choose her birth day and I was able to labour for 9 hours which has been a blessing for my milk.

Thank you so much for the wonderful classes. My partner and I were a bit skeptical at the thought of hypnobirthing but I hope it can continue via telehealth as it is so empowering for couples to help make the most informed choices about their birth.

The staff at Derby hospital, also my colleagues as I work there, are so amazing and I can’t imagine that I would get the level of 2 on 1 midwife to patient care at any other hospital- public or private in Australia!



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