“Speedy Edie’s” Fast Birth Story

The beautiful birth of Edith Isobel

Our beautiful baby daughter Edith is now seven months old and I have only just found time to sit down and write her birth story. I definitely underestimated how busy I was going to be with three children!

I have previously had two wonderful homebirths, and now living in a new area with a reputable MGP at the local hospital, I felt reasonably comfortable with trying a hospital birth. However, I knew that I’d need some help, so decided to try hypnobirthing to make sure that I could overcome any unreasonable fears I had about hospitals and so that I could have another positive birth as this would more than likely be my last.

My husband and I went to a Hypnobirthing Australia information session and I found out that the educator (Jodie Harris) was a lovely mum from our younger son’s playgroup. Then I met my primary midwife from the MGP and I knew she was going to be wonderful. The stars were already aligning as far as I was concerned. We completed the Hypnobirthing Australia course at around 30-31 weeks and doing the fear release helped me to totally relax and know that I had the tools to happily have a hospital birth.

Christmas Day came and I was 39 weeks exactly. We had a lovely, relaxing day and the glass of bubbly with Christmas dinner was just as delicious as I’d imagined for the months leading up to it! That night, I closed all the curtains and turned the air conditioning on as I went to bed. Something must have been telling me that I needed to have a good night’s sleep.

On Boxing Day morning, we slept in as it was a grey, drizzly day. Even our boys slept in which is nothing short of a miracle. I got up at around 10am (unheard of for me) and had a light breakfast. I was lying on the couch after midday watching the boys playing with their new toys when I felt a twinge with a bit of a bite to it. I called out to my husband that “that one was actually a bit painful”, as anything for the weeks up to that point had only been tight and uncomfortable. Not long after, I felt a familiar trickle which was, of course, my membranes releasing.

I think I just wandered around for a while, not knowing whether things were happening or not, but over the next hour or so I realised that I was indeed in labour. The afternoon is now a bit of a blur but there were a few phone calls to my midwife, resting and listening to my labour playlist, and just going with the flow of surges. I was conscious to keep myself totally relaxed and I didn’t make a sound. We finally left for the hospital just after 4:30pm. This was the part I had feared up until a few weeks before – but using hypnobirthing enabled me to have a calm, stress-free 25 minute car trip, with my husband and eldest son in the front. He was so excited that my husband said he talked non-stop for the whole drive. I hardly heard a thing.

Fast Labour & Birth of Edie
Proud Hypnobirthing Mum, Son and Hypnobub Edith.

We arrived at the hospital and my midwife was waiting for us. We had the whole birth suite to ourselves – just as I had included in my affirmations. I had planned to have another water birth.

Once in the birth suite, my midwife listened to our baby’s heartbeat and was a bit concerned about a deceleration so asked to examine me. This was something I didn’t really want, however, because of the hypnobirthing tools (again), and the trust in my midwife, I consented. 8cm! The pain and discomfort of a VE was something I had never experienced and really don’t want to repeat.

Eventually I had to get up and while the midwives were busy trying to get the foetal monitor to work (another thing I didn’t really want, but I just went with the flow) I finally let out a guttural, primal roar, standing next to the bed. My midwife looked and saw our baby’s head!

I quickly called our son over so he could see and grabbed my husband for support. Our baby shot out and one of the midwives caught her as she barrelled down towards the floor!

Edith was born at 5:45pm, 45 minutes after our arrival. I was elated. We hadn’t had time to start the oil burner, put on any music, or even let the birth pool finish filling. Edith was quickly given the nickname “Speedy Edie” by my husband. The rest of the time at the hospital was lovely, with about 2 hours of skin to skin, lots of excited phone calls to relatives and our younger son at home, and our beautiful son Darcy telling us it was the happiest day of his life. We left after 4 hours and were home by 10pm. I have had many flashbacks of that day over the last 7 months and I feel so fortunate to have had such a lovely birth, again. I am also really happy that I know that I could have a positive, empowering hospital birth, even if things didn’t go exactly how I’d “planned”. It turned out even better than I could have imagined. Thank you Melissa and Jodie for the Hypnobirthing Australia course, which was such a wonderful thing to do, and I honestly recommend it to everyone.

I also just want to add that Jodie Harris, who taught our Hypnobirthing Australia classes in Lismore NSW, was absolutely wonderful.

Warmest regards,

Evelyn, Marc, Darcy, Joshua and Edith

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