My daughter received her baby sister at birth!

This was my 3rd bub and I decided that although my other births were great and I had no trauma, I wanted to be more in control and far less anxious. After all, it is one of, if not the best day of your life in my opinion.

I started my hypnobirthing journey at 30weeks gestation. I listened to the tracks each day and most nights with my 9yr old daughter who loved them equally as much as I did. She decorated affirmation cards for me which I put around my bedroom and I practised my breathing daily.Shanae and her daughter with baby

3 weeks before my baby was born, I fell sick with a very infected sinus infection which blocked my nose etc. This really upset me as I thought I wouldn’t be able to do the breathing through my nose which I had practised… instead, I kept positive and practised through my mouth which was fine.

The day before I was due, still feeling unwell I lost a little fluid and had mild period-like cramps, but went about my day.. I took my other 2 kids for a walk and on the way back had a bit more fluid.. I called my OB and told her I was unsure if it was my waters as it was only very small patches. She advised me to come on in and will assess… that I did with my hubby and my daughter. My son was with my dad.

They took me into the treatment room and I was 5cm dilated and they told me my fore waters had broken but not hind water and because my surges were still random and erratic, it probably be more comfortable at home but just stay a short time first and see if things pick up.. well, it certainly did. My surges naturally picked up, there was no time to get my things I had prepared, birth ball, essential oils etc.. the caregivers didn’t realise just how quickly things were progressing, and thought I was just still feeling unwell from my previous illness because during a surge, I just had my eyes closed, leaned on my hubby, repeated the word calm and kept remembering what I had learnt about just relax.. suddenly, the weirdest thing happened but my nose was no longer blocked (after 3 entire weeks) and I could be in my bubble and deep breathe.

Every time I felt my face wince, I put my tongue on the roof of my mouth and relaxed.. I remember my daughter doing the anchor touch on my shoulder and whispered to me “birth is beautiful no matter how it happens” (she is only 9).. I must have been in transition and no one realised as I was still in the treatment room (as this happened very very quickly, only 50mins..) They then took me to birth room soon after and suggested me to empty my bladder as I hadn’t done so yet, and like that, I came off the toilet, on the floor on all fours, and told my hubby I needed to push.. I felt a natural change in my body to bear down and like that, she was born on the floor. This all happened within 1hr 10mins total.. The most special part of this entire process was the OB let my daughter deliver and receive her… she was so calm and mature.

She told me it was the best day of her life and it was so so beautiful.. my bub is now 6 weeks old and they have a lifetime special sisterhood bond!

I had planned to use my tracks during birth and when practising couldn’t really connect with the bubble of comfort however at the time, this all changed… I didn’t need the music and I did use the bubble of comfort.. with my birth being so quick, the serges were very intense and not really that pause effect after each one like my other births.. this was ok because hypnobirthing got me through those intense waves and I still love telling everyone my experience.

It has actually inspired me to become a hypnobirthing practitioner in the future. Good luck mamas. Our bodies were designed for birth. ?

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