
River James born 25 November 2011

So I just wanted to fill you in on the birth of River James..
Ok so, the weeks leading up to ‘d’ day I was getting nervous as the day kept getting closer and closer without so much as a twinge.. and as the time passed I had ‘being induced’ in the back of my mind, so ‘d day’ passed and so did a week.. and after an appointment with my obstetrician at 41 weeks
and a scan showing reduced amniotic fluid around bub, the unfortunate news was I was going to be induced 2 days later.. so with no avail I tried EVERYTHING!! for those 2 days but nothing worked ha ha… I was absolutely devastated! I soooo did not want to be induced, and my mind left to places of great painful labour ending only in a c section.. never the less we went to hospital and I was given the gel overnight,  and as we were in the labour room, was also given a bit of a fright by the horrifying screams of a lady in labour next room to us, Greg thought someone was murdering her and was quite distressed he he.. I just said well obviously she didn’t do Hypnobirthing.. ha ha.. So by 10 am Friday the 25 November my waters were broken… with my still being convinced of the journey ending with surgery.. Greg was great though keeping me positive (well trying).. anyhoo waters were broken and it was ON! Straight away in a matter of seconds! All I was praying for was for it to keep progressing.. and that it did..
Trying hard to get comfortable I went from shower to toilet to bed about 20 times… and Greg just had to keep following me with my Ipod and re-plugging it in to various power points so I could hear my affirmations and relaxation music.. Steven Halpern was a life saver! So with affirmations and a small spew we made it to 8cm’s! It all happened so fast! I think it took about 5 hrs and after a quick visit from the Dr to ask how I was going and I suppose a quick “drug check” I was now confident I wasn’t going to need a Cesarean.. phew! I must say though I was glad to hear I was already 8cm as things were very intense! So after a few more sessions of moving around I finally settled on the bed and couldn’t move from there.. Greg did the Glove meditation.. and  with the risk of sounding incredibly alternate.. I went deep into my mind and body.. so much so the nurses were just gobsmacked.. leaving Greg very proud of himself indeed he he.. after the Glove meditation everything was a bit of a blur, so true how your body makes its own anaesthetic.  As I was wanting a water birth I proceeded into the bath when bub started to make his journey, however his heart rate started to drop so back to the bed we went.. leap frog position leaning against the inclined back of the bed to be exact, this was very comfortable and it just seemed to work really well for me.  Anyway 1 hr later River James entered the outside world (7 hours in total)!  Words can’t describe the feelings and emotions that we experienced, it was the biggest rush and our hearts instantly filled with love and amazement, so much so that we forgot to ask the sex for a couple of minutes! By far our greatest achievement yet!  All of that practise of the scripts over and over had paid off!  River came out so alert and has been ever since, he started breast feeding straight away too!
So yes I was induced but I was still able to birth my beautiful son completely naturally without so much as a puff of gas! I tell you though, I could not have done it with out your Hypnobirthing classes Melissa, and I thank you so much for the gift of natural birth!
My Obstetrician couldn’t believe that I did it without any drugs at all and neither could the midwives!.. I am happy to say that we were the talk of the maternity ward and doctors surgery that week!
Photos attached are: in the bath 1 hour before River was born, and just after the birth.


424323_10150573387262149_360037147148_9288310_85327943_n-150x150See you for the refresher course ha ha
Natasha, Greg and Baby River xo
Tugun, Gold Coast
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