My Birth Really Was Magical All Thanks To Hypnobirthing!

Introducing our third babe, Rio, born 5 days before his guess date weighing 4.14kg or 9 pounds 2 ounces. 

I was induced with our first two babies, both ending up with an epidural and the first resulting in a PPH and subsequent issues with feeding. With number 3, I was adamant I did not want to be induced, wanting to experience spontaneous labour however knew that my OB would most likely push for early induction considering I have largish babies. Fast forward to 36 weeks, I was sent for a growth scan after consistently measuring 4 weeks ahead and as suspected, my ob wanted to induce at 38 weeks. Everything I learnt in the hypnobubs course kicked in at this point, I felt empowered, I trusted my body and I stuck to my guns by turning down the induction. I am so glad I did as I couldn’t have wished for a more perfect birth. 

Surges started at 10.30pm, Christmas night. At first, they were about 18 mins apart and very mild so I stayed in bed to try to get some sleep. At around 2 am after no luck with sleep, I decided to get up. Surges were around 10 mins apart and still very mild so I finished packing my hospital bag, had a shower to wash my hair and then hopped in a clary sage bath and listened to the hypnobirthing tracks. 

At 5.30am, the surges were 5-6 minutes apart so we decided to go into the hospital. They were still very mild so I was reluctant to rush in thinking I would get there and only be 4cm dilated. Lucky, we did as I was 8cm upon a VI at 6 am. The midwife offered to break my membranes but I declined, wanting as little intervention as possible. Hubby set up the diffuser with clary sage and put on my labour relaxation playlist. Surges were still pretty bearable at this stage so we went for a walk around the ward, took some selfies, had some laughs and then I bounced on the birthing ball. At 7 am I hopped into the bath and hubby put Surge Of The Sea on. I didn’t even get 15 minutes in when I felt my membranes pop! I was back in the birthing suite by 7.20am, hubby was massaging my lower back when I felt the urge to bear down. My midwife, Angela, was unbelievable and told me that if I felt the urge to push to do so – just to let my body take the lead. 2 surges later, using relaxation techniques to breathe him out, baby Rio was born at 7.30am. 

It was the most perfect, calm, empowering moment of my life. Hubby was in tears, blown away by how amazing and “quiet” the whole experience was and my midwives were very impressed with how calm and in control I was.

I am so thankful that I did the Online Hypnobubs course as it gave me the confidence to trust my body, turn down induction and go into spontaneous labour. I was able to birth my baby how I wanted – without intervention, drug-free and on my knees (I was on my back for the previous 2). No stitches and seamless recovery, it really was perfect from start to finish. The icing on the cake was an amazing birth team – my husband, Dan and my midwives and obstetrician. The hospital staff were so supportive of my post-birth requests – delayed cord clamping, placenta encapsulation and skin to skin for an hour before weighing him etc. It really was magical. 


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