“Edith Mary was Beautifully Hypnobirthed Into the World”

Hi Melissa,
We wanted to let you know that our little girl, Edith Mary was beautifully hypnobirthed into the world on Saturday 2 July at 2am!
Our birth went perfectly to plan! I used so many hypnobirthing techniques learnt in your course and can honestly say I would not have made it through- pain free, calmly and in control- if I didn’t have my “tool kit” of skills to draw upon. There were moments of doubt and a few times I wasn’t sure I could bear it, but by bringing my mind back to my affirmations and counting myself down 40 steps, among other techniques, I made it through those most difficult moments! I needed no pain relief whatsoever. It was tough and physically challenging and I was relieved once it was all done but I did it the way I had planned and hoped! I also had brilliant support from Andrew who used the techniques he learnt in your course perfectly and did just the right things at the right moments. My hospital midwife needed no detailed “list of preferences”… She immediately caught on to my approach and worked silently and unobtrusively around me. Both my midwife and brilliant obstetrician encouraged me to do what felt right and natural and to go with my instincts. The room was dim, quiet and calm throughout the birth. I felt better afterwards than I did after my previous two births.
Thanks again Melissa. We can’t speak highly enough of your course.
Kind regards,
Emma, Brisbane

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