Clara Mary born March 2013

Hi melissa

Hypnobirthing hypnobirth natural birth antenatal class childbirth classes labour techniques breathing calmbirth hypnosis birthJust a short note to let you know we have a little girl, Clara Mary, who arrived safe and sound 2 weeks ago.

I went into labour at home and wasn’t sure for a few hours if it was actually happening…for 8 hours at home I listened to surge of the sea over and over and just breathed. That and my heat pack were all I needed.

When I decided it was time to go to hospital, surges were 10 mins apart but as soon as I stood up they just kept coming.

We are lucky we made it in time. Clara was born on the bathroom floor 20 minutes after arriving at Pindara, with no doctor as she couldn’t get there and no midwife friend (kirsten) either as there was no time. But we were fine!

I’m not sure if you remember but I was still sceptical about not pushing. Well Clara made her way out without one single push from me. I now understand the concept of breathing a baby down.

If there is a next time I’m thinking maybe a home birth as I would’ve much rather just hopped out of bed and given birth on the floor of my own bathroom…

Thank you for your excellent teaching and refresher course that gave paul and I the confidence we needed.

Thanks again


Hypnobirthing hypnobirth natural birth antenatal class childbirth classes labour techniques breathing calmbirth hypnosis birth

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