
We had the most incredible birth, It was magical.

Sadie’s Birth Story

Sadie's Birth Story Frederick 2990g⁠
40w 3d⁠
Posterior Birth⁠

We had the most incredible birth, thank you 🙏 I got to 8cm with gas & air and deep hypnosis through my contractions. Something startled me and I came out of the deep hypnosis and the pain was suddenly unbearable and I couldn’t get back to my happy place. Realised Freddy was posterior and the pressure on my spine was insane. ⁠

Had a light epidural to get me through the last 2cm, had a big mirror set up to watch him come into this world and I was able to lean forward and pull him out of me and onto my chest. My husband was at one side of me holding a leg up, midwife on another and my mum in the corner filming it all. It was magical. 💕🙏⁠


Posterior positive birth story   Hospital Birth Story newborn baby

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