Oliver born 14 July 2011

oliver-1“The picture I’ve attached is me being silly about an hour before Ollie was born. I was able to breathe him down comfortably and had the positive birth affirmations playing.”

Tee and I are excited to let you know that our little man Oliver Charles was born on
Thursday the 14th of July at 7 p 5 oz. He is absolutely amazing.
I hope that you can add our lovely birth story to the list.


oliver-2I think I went into labour on the Tuesday night and went slowly through Wednesday pottering around the house and watching TV. On Wednesday night, things really picked up but I just relaxed in bed. I listened to the positive birth affirmations during the night and used the breathing. Thursday morning, I actually went to a hospital appointment they had made the week before to discuss induction as I was 41weeks. At this stage the surges were probably 4 mins or so a part but I didn’t really think they were the real deal! The Dr said I was 4cm dilated but I didn’t really mention the frequency of the surges so he sent me home with plans to be induced on Sunday. The surges continued during the day and Tee and I just relaxed at home. I used the breathing through every one and it really helped. About 2 in the afternoon I thought that this could really be it so I called the hospital. At first when talking to me on the phone they weren’t at all rushed until I mentioned that I had been 4cm that morning and they told us to come on in. I listened to the Rainbow Relaxation on the way and that really helped to keep me calm. Tee was driving so quickly and it was actually me telling him to take it easy and relax!!!! When we got to the hospital they made me wait in the assessment section for an hour before they actually even saw me! I don’t think they really believed that I was in labour at all until they assessed me and I was 8cm! They were shocked!!! They rushed me over to the birth suite and once there Tee and I just relaxed our way through the whole thing. I was breathing through the surges and was talking and laughing with Tee right until the end! The picture I’ve attached is me being silly about an hour before Ollie was born. I was able to breathe him down comfortably and had the positive birth affirmations playing. I held him in my arms at 6:25… he was settled and calm and so alert. It was just a beautiful birth. No stitches or anything. The Dr and midwife couldn’t believe how quickly he turned up and how easily I seemed to do the whole thing.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I couldn’t have asked for a nicer way to bring our beautiful boy into the world.

Chelle and Tee, Keperra, Brisbane

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