IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 8 September 2015
A New Breed of Champions!
Question: What do swimming golden-girl Libby Trickett, cycling gold medalist Sara Carrigan and Titan’s rugby winger David Mead all have in common? They all prepared for the birth of their babies using ‘hypnobirthing’.
“Not surprising”, according to Hypnobirthing Australia director Melissa Spilsted. “Childbirth is considered by many to be one of, if not the most, challenging and intense events in our lives – both physically and mentally. Elite athletes already have a full appreciation of the mind-body connection and how it can affect physical performance; so I’m finding that they are often attracted to this course when preparing for childbirth. Since opening the doors of Hypnobirthing Australia in 2009, Ms Spilsted has trained many elite athletes in preparation for childbirth.
Multi Olympic Swimming Gold Medalist Libby Trickett and her husband Luke recently attended a course with Ms Spilsted. “They truly appreciated the importance that preparation and mindset plays on an intense physical performance. And that really is what birth is!” she said. “Apply those key ingredients to childbirth and you’re on to another winner. Our goal for birth to have a safe and positive birth experience. Now that is worth a trillion gold medals and is definitely worth preparing for!”
Australian Cycling Gold Medalist Sara Carrigan (OAM) and her husband Stevo also used the techniques successfully for their recent birth. Sara says, “As a sports person, I know how important maintaining a positive mindset is. So for birthing, with it being one of the most important things in my life, it just seemed like a no-brainer. Everybody should have access to this sort of course so that they too can have a positive experience bringing their little one into the world.” (Click here to watch video)
“The course isn’t just for the mums either,” Ms Spilsted says. “Rugby League winger David Mead and wife Taneal attended classes with me and are expecting their first baby in the coming weeks. The love, support and encouragement that a ‘switched on’ partner can contribute to the birth can have a very positive effect on the outcome. I know that David is going to be a wonderful birth partner and dad. He has shown his focus and commitment, right from the very start.”
In classes parents learn what to expect during birth, breathing, massage, hypnotic prompts and other techniques to help the mother to feel more comfortable and remain calm through the birth. Creating and maintaining a positive mindset is a major component of the course. Also, because they attend the course together, partners feel more confident about the birth process and can also advocate for the birthing mother during birth, if she wishes; leaving her to just get on with the important job of birthing.
Many women describe birth like a ‘marathon’ or endurance event. You wouldn’t just sign up for a marathon without training for it, would you? It makes complete sense that parents are applying the same preparation to the birth of their child. Ms Spilsted says, “The difference with childbirth is you don’t have control over the physical sensations during birth – but you do have control over your mind. With breathing, conditioning and other relaxation techniques – we train our bodies to remain calm and release endorphins (nature’s relaxant) during birth; therefore making birth more comfortable and a positive, empowering experience.
Athletes know that if they need to nurture a positive mindset in order to achieve optimal physical performance. It makes sense that they would utilise the techniques of hypnobirthing to positively prepare for the birth of their baby – one of the most important events of their life.
Obviously, you don’t need to be an elite athlete to birth a baby; however mothers are quickly adopting the same keys to success when preparing for their own very important event.
Hypnobirthing Australia has become Australia’s fastest growing childbirth education course.
The Hypnobirthing Australia program is available Australia-wide through a network of trained practitioners – comprising of midwives, clinical hypnotherapists, psychologists, doulas and childbirth educators.’
For more information visit
About Hypnobirthing Australia:
The Hypnobirthing Australia™ program is a unique and comprehensive antenatal education program catering to Australian needs, that uses deep relaxation, self hypnosis, specific breathing techniques and education for a calm and positive natural or caesarean birth. Classes run by certified Hypnobirthing Australia Practitioners can be found nationwide. See for further details.
Libby Trickett Baby News with Hypnobirthing Australia
You Tube Video – New Breed of Champions
Hypnobirthing Australia in the media
Hypnobirthing Australia website
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