
NEW Album Release Hypnobirthing Australia – Breastfeeding & Bonding with Baby

Many mothers have said to me in the past that they really missed their relaxation practice and affirmations after they have their baby. So now ” you can continue the calm! Hypnobirthing Australia ” Breastfeeding and Bonding with Baby is now available for download!

Having breastfed three babies myself, I know firsthand the challenges that we can face with breastfeeding. It isn’t always as ‘straightforward’ as it seems. Breastfeeding isn’t just up to us; our baby is learning too! Also, stress, lack of sleep and/or poor nutrition can all affect our milk production.

This album has been created to help you to reduce tension and enhance your level of relaxation during breastfeeding. Research shows that relaxation can increase breastfeeding milk production by up to 63% (when mothers listen to 20 minute relaxation and visual imagery audio recording) (1). Stress hormones, anxiety and fatigue are also known to inhibit milk supply (2) and this is why regular relaxation practice can be highly beneficial when feeding your baby.

Hypnobirthing Australia ” Breastfeeding and Bonding with Baby is especially for mamas who wish to continue with their positive, calm journey and help their body (through their mind) to produce ample milk for their baby; whilst enjoying this very special time together.

Breastfeeding provides babies with more than just physical nutrition ” it helps them to feel loved, protected and nurtured. Babies who are breastfed tend to be much happier, well-adjusted, and enjoy better health.

Click here to download your MP3 of Hypnobirthing ” Breastfeeding and Bonding ” or find it on iTunes.

(1) http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/abstract/83/1/57: “To facilitate the breast-feeding experience, intervention mothers were given a 20-minute audio cassette tape based on relaxation and visual imagery techniques. At a single follow-up expression of milk at the hospital approximately 1 week after enrollment, they expressed 63% more breast milk than a randomized group of control mothers.” 
(2) http://www.bioline.org.br/request?mr05007: “Any kind of stress including cesarean section may postpone milk ejection by hormonal inhibition for a few days after delivery”

Melissa Spilsted

Director ” Hypnobirthing Australia


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