Our Natural Birth with Vacuum Assistance

The Hypnobirthing Australia™ class really helped us prepare for our birth and make the right decisions on the day. We felt that without the course we might have blindly said yes to many suggestions that doctors would have made.

I was in labour for 44 hours ? and the waves actually started at midnight on Wednesday 31st Jan, the night of the blood moon as you might remember. I think it triggers labour to come on.

From midnight Wednesday, I actually had waves without pauses about 2 x in 10 min, it was really tiring as I never had a chance to rest at all. We were still out running errands with Emerson the entire Thursday but felt comfortable as I knew that we wouldn’t have wanted to go to the hospital early on anyways. We did go to hospital on Thursday at 8 pm and I did decide to have my dilation checked as I really felt like I had no clue of where I was at and felt it had been going on for soooo long already.

I think I was only 3cm by then after 20 hours… haha… So we went home again and at 5 am on Friday morning I felt I wouldn’t be able to sit in the car anymore for the 25 min drive.

Anyways, it went on and on and I felt like I was under the shower for 10 hours straight at one point, it was the only thing that really worked well for me. I tried the bath, but it wasn’t for me. Emerson was amazing and really briefed everyone well and the midwives at the GC Uni hospital were lovely and supportive of hypnobirthing.

At about 2 pm on Friday, I was so exhausted after not sleeping since Wednesday and just constant waves that I honestly thought I was going to die or that the baby would just need to stay inside of me. I tried so hard but was delirious at that point. Yet again, Emerson kept me on track and kept the doctors away until the little guy and I were so out of energy that his heartbeat kept on dropping when I tried pushing. So Emerson spoke to the midwives and the baby was actually at risk, so we opted for vacuum assistance.Hypnobirthing Australia™ New Born Baby Feet Photo

It was absolutely horrible having to lie on my back, I have no idea how women give birth like that and the sudden increase of people in the room (from 1 midwife to 3 doctors and another 3 nurses I think) was horrific. Emerson told them to keep quiet and kept on prompting them to turn the lights down.

Anyways, it was really only the last little bit that I needed help getting his head out and he was finally there and we were both fine then. The room was cleared and we were alone again with one midwife and had 1.5 hours of skin on skin time.

Oh yes, and the placenta and cord clamping were delayed and worked well also.

Oskar came at 8:30 pm and the vacuum assistance required us to stay in the hospital for 12 hours, although I would have honestly gone home right away if I could have. I went to the breastfeeding class the next morning and was a little horrified to hear about all the women that opted for an epidural and everything else and their babies seemed so unsettled. Oskar was just peacefully sleeping away.

He has been absolutely awesome since day 1. Hardly cries, so calm, wakes 2 times at night and I can nearly set my watch for it at 12:30 am and 3:30 am.

We really feel that we made the right decision with the calm birthing experience and feel that it shows in Oskar.

Thanks again or everything.
Oskar, Vera and Emerson

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