A positive induction story due to gestational diabetes

Just thought you’d be keen to hear that baby girl Bryce arrived and is officially a hypno-bub!

I ended up being induced as a result of the gestational diabetes but still had a truly wonderful birth experienceI ended up being induced as a result of the gestational diabetes but still had a truly wonderful birth experience. My obstetrician and the team at the Wesley Hospital here in Brisbane were all completely supportive of my desire to hypnobirth and the delivery room was a haven of peace and tranquillity.

I laboured on the birthing ball with telemetry monitoring as a result of the induction. The midwife sat quietly in the corner and allowed me to do what I needed to. I used a tens machine to ease through the surges as well. At one stage I was in such a deep state of relaxation I was almost falling asleep!!

When it came to pushing my body instinctively took over I have no conscious memory of pushing and apparently the midwives didn’t need to tell me to do anything. It all went so well that Bryce arrived before my obstetrician could make it into the delivery room.

I pushed leaning over the ball with support from John and the super calm midwife. I was in active labour for about 4 hours and pushed for about 20 mins. I honestly believe that the state of relaxation I was in made everything flow quickly and easily!

I was lucky enough not to require any stitches etc, with minimal swelling etc. After a couple of hours of skin to skin time with Bryce, a hot shower and some food I was able to walk from the delivery suite to my room.

It was a wonderful birthing experience and I couldn’t recommend hypnobirthing enough to anyone who will listen. I was able to go into the birth with a completely positive mindset despite the necessity for significant intervention at the start (gel insertion, artificial membrane rupture and an oxytocin drip were all required). I was never in anyway scared and always had faith in my body!!

We are now home with our beautiful baby girl. She is coping wonderfully with life on the outside and I think her gentle entrance to the world really helped. She fed straight away and continues to feed well and is generally calm and relaxed! So I just wanted to say an enormous thank you for the part that you played in making our day so very special. Your wise words and tuition were invaluable.

Induced birth a result of the gestational diabetes but had a truly wonderful birth experience

Thank you again!

Zana, John and Bryce

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