
My birth was euphoric and I really do thank hypnobirthing for that.

Amber’s Birth Story

positive birth storyBaby Willow
7.3 pound
3 hours active labour

My first practice contractions were at 6am on 18th I started timing them at about 8am not really too focused as I wasn’t fully convinced it was real labour, went on about my day played with my daughter watched cricket, laundry around 10pm that night my contractions became more intense (still wasn’t fully convinced it was the real thing) my partner set-up my labour space with my candles and oil diffuser I had the TENs Machine on and my contractions were 6 minutes apart (again still not fully convinced I was in real labour) I was in my zone and happy at home a little too cozy © my partner and my sister (who acted as my Doula) made the call to leave for the hospital.tens machine during labour

We went into assessment and laboured in there contractions had become more intense and effective and I was in the shower in the assessment room, my body did a little push and my waters broke, the hospital started getting the birthing suite ready, I was wheeled in kneeling on the wheelchair hoped straight into the shower again in the birth suite while my birth bath was seconds away from being ready but there was no moving me out of the shower I knew willow was crowning at this stage the midwives left me well alone as I think they thought I had plenty of time left within 10 minutes of being in the birthing suite I birthed Willow at 2:46am on the 19th of December on the shower floor.

mum and baby after hypnobirthI was on a birth high and I definitely could do this again, my birth was euphoric and I really do thank hypnobirthing for that. I’d also like to add this birth was healing after my last birth with my winter 2020 Bub(eclampsia, induction, epidural, episiotomy, forceps)

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