Mila Sage born 13 April 2013

Mila Sage Hahana finally arrived on 13.04.13 at 10am, weighing 5155lbs and 60cm tall, 3 weeks overdue.
During the last few days she had turned to be back on back and her head bent “looking at the stars” as the mid wife put it.  We requested to be induced which started at 1.30pm on Friday afternoon. With help of your affirmations and the unlimited supply of hot water we were able to try for our natural birth.  The Doctors and midwives knew we were Hypnobirthers and were very supportive of our goal.
Mila wasn’t having a bar of it though and around 2am we started the syntocinon drip and epidural.. For a few hours early the next morning we were noticing her heart rate wasn’t following the spikes of my surges and was staying low for too long after a surge.  At around 8am Sean and I had a gut feeling that she was starting to get stressed out and as I still wasn’t fully dilated we opted for a csection. Which by the way was performed by a friend of Sean’s, they went to school together since they were 5!!!!!
He performed a lactic acid test on Mila when she was born and mentioned we had made the decision to have the csection at the right time.  He said had we gone longer it would have been an emergency csection and Sean wouldn’t have been able to accompany me into the theatre and I would have been put under.  Mila had also swallowed meconium and cord had wrapped around her neck twice which he said had been causing the irregular heartbeat.
As much as we were hoping for a natural birth we feel like we made the best decisions at the time and are glad to have a healthy beautiful baby earthside.  Your affirmations were very helpful and helped me to make calm decisions throughout my labour (they were all I could listen to all day, night and morning! I didn’t want to listen to anything else!) and the Midwives commented a few times how lovely they were.
Thank you for your help and guidance over the last few months.  Mila is a very happy, relaxed and extremely alert baby which everyone comments on in amazement.  We tried giving her time to make the decision to come out on her own accord but she is as stubborn as the both of us and decided inside was where she wanted to be!  We look forward to trying for that natural baby in the not so distant future.. Hopefully they aren’t as stubborn as us but of course we are prepared for whatever course our birthing takes :o).
Hope you are well and happy.   Love Kristen, Sean & Mila xoxo
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