
Matilda born 8 March 2012

Dear Melissa,

Hope that you are well. Just wanted to write to tell you of the birth of our sweet little baby girl Matilda (Tilly). I apologise that it has taken a while for us to write to you – busy times!!

As you know just prior to Tilly’s due date a few medical issues arose – and we thank you again for your support during that time. Following our last contact baby’s due date passed and 42 weeks was fast approaching, as such we were left with no option but to reluctantly accept a medical induction for both mine and Tilly’s well being.

The day of my induction Marco and I felt relaxed and well prepared. We were very well armed with hours of Hypnobirthing practice and a positive attitude. Fortunately we had also prepared our medical care givers by providing written birthing preferences and educating them at every opportunity as to how we would prefer our baby’s birthing to unfold.

The labour itself lasted 27 hours, a marathon labour that was very well managed by our magnificent obstetrician who allowed us every opportunity to attempt a natural birth free of intervention. Thanks to Hypnobirthing and my very supportive husband I can honestly say that I was able to stay in control and manage the tightenings without pain relief. In fact our midwife even passed comment that it was very hard to time the tightenings as she had trouble detecting the start and finish of them, due to the relaxed state I was in. During the long labour we used the affirmations regularly, the Rainbow Relaxation script, the Depthometer and Glove Relaxation Script (which I have to say, I could never get to effectively work during Hypnobirthing practice, but worked a treat in labour!!) and listened to the Steven Halpern ‘Comfort Zone’ tracks throughout.

Our midwife and obstetrician were so used to the “BRAN” questions that they addressed these without any prompting from us!

Eventually it came to be that Matilda was going to have to be delivered via Emergency Caesarian Section. My cervix had failed to dilate adequately and Tilly had descended in a posterior position. Marco and I needed to accept that our birthing plans had to change.

I was extremely nervous about having a spinal anaesthesia. Knowing this we were allowed a short time to conduct a fear release as theatre was prepared. The Balloon Ride script worked a beautifully and I felt so calm again as I “threw overboard” the fears I had. I listened to Marco as he repeated affirmations to me particularly asking me embrace whatever turn our birthing would take.

Following the surgery Tilly was given skin to skin time as soon as possible and the noise in the operating theatre was kept to a minimum.

During my recovery I received at least two visits daily from our obstetrician who repeatedly apologised that I was not able to have the natural, water birth that I had wanted. What he didn’t realise and was promptly assured, is that despite our babies birthing taking many unexpected turns he continued to respect our birthing preferences and wherever possible embrace these.

I can honestly say that whilst we did not have a ‘natural’ birth we certainly made great use of the Hypnobirthing techniques taught to us. Interestingly Tilly calms and goes to sleep every night to the ‘Comfort Zone tunes’ – she seems to know them!!

With great thanks and appreciation,

Arita, Marco and Matilda, Burnie, Tasmania

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