Lucas, born November 2015

“I am so happy that I discovered hypnobirthing and am very proud of what I achieved not only physically, but mentally. My birth was amazing, calm, peaceful, empowering and most importantly drug-free – despite being put on the oxytocin induction drip after approximately 6 hours of slow, natural labour.

At 41 weeks my hospital automatically wanted to schedule me for an induction, to which I refused. I had to agree to daily monitoring and was told I could not labour at home at all due to low fluid and must go straight to hospital at the first sign of labour. I managed to push my induction date back a few days to let nature run its course.

At almost 42 weeks I headed to the hospital (the night before my scheduled induction) in very early labour. Upon arriving we set up my birth suite to create the calm, peaceful environment that I wanted, with battery operated candles everywhere, my own pillows, relaxation music, oils etc. The midwives said it was the most amazing room and birth they had ever witnessed.

After remaining active and labouring naturally and slowly all night listening to the ‘Birth Affirmations’ track, I was eventually put on the oxytocin drip in the morning… and 2 hours later my gorgeous 4.26kg hypnobub was born to the ‘Prompts for Birthing‘ track without any pain relief drugs or intervention. The hypnobirthing tracks played a VERY important role in my birth and the different breathing techniques worked great.

I am so grateful that I had all my hypnobirthing techniques and tracks to use to get me through the surges drug free 🙂 (all of which I taught myself and practiced at home during my pregnancy with the downloaded practice bundle). I did not have a chance to do a course unfortunately, however I think I still achieved the birth I wanted and all my preparation, practise and relaxation during my pregnancy definitely paid off and continues to help me to remain calm and relaxed on a daily basis while keeping up with the demands of motherhood 🙂

I had such a positive mindset prior to the arrival of my hypnobub and had no fear. He is a beautiful boy who is happy, calm and content (most of the time!)

Since my birth I cannot share with enough people (midwives, family, friends who are expecting, colleagues etc) my positive, empowering, birth story. I love spreading the word of this amazing birth technique. I truly and passionately believe more women and birth partners need to know about hypnobirthing and be aware of what their minds and bodies are capable of achieving.”

Melissa, Parramatta, Sydney

hypnobirthing home study birth story

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