Just thought I’d share my birth story I was induced but still still had a great birth, a little gas but drug free, my little boy arrived in 5 hours.
I had my membranes ruptured about 8.30am, nothing happened so they started syntocinon around 10.30am, they upped it a few times by 30ml every half an hour and because it progressed well after the third increase they left me to it.
I hypnobirthed all the way through, on the fitball, in the bed, on my side, on all fours, whatever was comfy, I just had to have the monitors on. I laboured over the back of the bed for a while, that was the most comfortable.
About 12.30pm I was in active labour. I was involuntary pushing with each surge. I could feel him descending and was visualising that, breathing through each surge, then I said I felt like I needed to go to the toilet. They did an internal and advised I was fully dilated! This happened so quickly, I had no idea, though.
I breathed him down and around the bend for a bit, the MW left me to it, speaking softly, having a dimly lit room, playing my hypno tracks – no words just music, but they ended up gently saying we need to get his head out – I turned over and put my feet on their hips, a few pushes and his head was out (this was the hardest as I was buggered). I guess they don’t call it labour for nothing!
My actual labour and birth were nothing short of amazing, such a beautiful and positive experience. I was hesitant about the induction as so many end in emergency c sections, which I really didn’t want.
Unfortunately Jasper had the cord wrapped twice around his neck and he was head down on my perineum for a little too long apparently, another push and out came his shoulders, I didn’t realise until his shoulders and body came out but I looked up and saw there was a glass reflection in the ceiling so I could see him come out he was delivered by the two most amazing MW.
My OB came in just as he came out, born at 5.18pm, straight on my chest for a quick hello.
I didn’t get the delayed cord clamping as he had to have a little bit of oxygen, the placenta came out about 10/15 mins later, very large and healthy though, I was so overcome in awe and high on oxytocin that I did it! My first words were “That wasn’t even that bad!”
I’m a little bruised as he came out quite quickly, but all in all everything was perfect
I also found out one of my midwives contacted Georgia who we did our course through saying it was one of the most amazing births she’s ever been at, made me feel all warm and fuzzy, it was definitely better than anything I had imagined, I still talk about how amazing it was!
Taught by Hypnobirthing Australia Practitioner, Georgia Gazzone, from The Birth Kit – Darwin
It was one of the most beautiful births I’ve had the pleasure of attending and I thought you would like to know how well this Mumma did throughout her labour and birth. Not once did she panic or worry. She found her ‘zone’ and she stayed in it for many hours while we titrated the synto higher and higher. As I’m sure you know IOLs often break womens spirits before too long but she coped with only a sniff of gas and the support of her partner and mum who played music, gently spoke affirmations and treated her like a goddess. As her caregiver I made sure the room was quiet and comfortable and told her to listen to her body. It was an honour to catch her baby (Dr didn’t make it in time!) Afterwards she held her beautiful bub and said “it wasn’t that bad!”. I’m a big advocate for hypnobirthing and think that what you offer women and their families is totally awesome! I always recommend hypnobirthing to pregnant mums and will be sure to mention your name in the future. X