Our little bundle of joy came a week early- Ivy Joy was born at 1:55am on the 29th December 2012 6pound4.
We spent all day Friday 28th December out on afriends boat over at Moreton Island and I went to bed early that night as I was so exhausted from being in the sun all day. I went to bed listening to your “Surge of the Sea” CD, at 10pm I woke with tightening and told Matty and he said its probably just practice surges, try go back to sleep, I tried and at 1030 said to him the tightening was getting worse so he called the hospital. I really noticed the difference in intensity when I wasn’t breathing correctly so Matty was by my side for each surge reminding me of the breathing techniques and going over the rainbow relaxation script, at 12am my waters broke. We arrived at the hospital at 1am, in the observation room I said to the midwife “I need to push” she said “No, don’t push” she did an observation and I was fully dilated plus one, the midwife grabbed the wheel chair and said “quick jump in otherwise we are going to have a baby in the hallway”. The midwife was running pushing me down the hallway yelling “fully dilated plus one” whilst Matty was running behind with our bags, it would have been quite funny to see. We arrived in the birth suite and Matty was repeating the “Rosebud Script” to me and once again reminding me to breathe my baby down, although I was extremely vocal I was very in tuned to Matty’s voice and don’t remember anyone else around us. Ivy Joy was born at 1:55am completely drug free, she was really relaxed and alert and only let out a short cry when she was placed on my chest.
Ivy’s birth definitely wasn’t the typical Hypnobirth that we watched in the classes, however I wouldn’t have had it any other way. It was a surreal experience I think because it all happened so quickly. Both Matty and I are so pleased to have completed the Hypnobirthing course as it gave me a sense of empowerment and I was ready to take on whatever turn our birth took, it also gave Matty knowledge and the tools to help me through this amazing experience. I am so pleased to be able to tell everyone a positive birth story, its truly amazing what the female body can endure, I can’t wait to do it all again with our next baby.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Take care,
Matty, Kelsie and Ivy xo