Hi Melissa,
Just thought we would let you know that we had our baby on the 20th December. I developed preeclampsia and had to be induced. We had a lot of thoughts and feelings around the quick decision that had to be made but we wanted to do what was in the best interest of our baby and myself.
We had an amazing midwife who went through our birth preferences before we started everything and she made sure our requests and preferences were adhered to. She let Brock and I just go with it and didn’t interfere. We unfortunately couldn’t have a water birth due to meconium but I used the shower, exercise ball, positioning, light touch, massage, aromatherapy, meditation and nitrous oxide.
They broke my waters at 12pm and I had a very quick labour that progressed much faster than with my firstborn. I was having surges immediately after the release of membranes and our baby arrived at 3:38pm.
It was a very different but a very positive experience from our first and I am truly amazed at what I achieved. We were so in awe of everything that happened that it took us 5mins before we even realised that we didn’t know the gender. Hearing my husband utter the words it’s a girl through his own tears was the sweetest and most surreal thing. We still at 11 days old can’t believe we have a little girl.
We waited until our son came up that night to tell anyone the details and gender as we wanted him to be the first one to know as he experienced the losses we had in between with us and it was a big thing for us for him to feel valued and important.
He loves her so much and we couldn’t be prouder of how he is handling being a big brother. He regularly does skin to skin with her and loves her fiercely.
Thank you for everything that you taught us. It was a such a wonderful experience and I am so pleased we found hypnobirthing to give us the positive experience that we craved so badly this time around.
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your boys and family.
Kind Regards,
Lexie & Brock