
Induction of Labour Before 42 Weeks – What Does the Evidence Say?

Induction of Labour Before 42 Weeks – What Does the Evidence Say?

We’ve seen a real spike in inductions of labour prior to post-term (ie. prior to 42 weeks) in recent decades – and they are not always offered due to medical reasons. ?

If there are special circumstances present, then inductions may sometimes be necessary. Mamas who truly need inductions can have better inductions and bridge hormonal gaps when they are educated and know how to optimise physiology (which is what the Hypnobirthing Australia™ and Hypnobubs course teaches).
However, when there are no genuine medical reasons behind the suggestion of induction, research shows that we are best to “leave well enough alone, well enough alone”!
Need some evidence to back up your birth preferences? Here it is!
This was released on 5 October 2018 and concluded that:
Induction prior to post-term (ie. being induced before 42 weeks) was associated with few beneficial outcomes and several adverse outcomes. This draws attention to possible iatrogenic effects affecting large numbers of low-risk women in contemporary maternity care. According to The World Health Organization, expected benefits from a medical intervention must outweigh potential harms. Hence, our results do not support the widespread use of routine induction prior to post-term (41+0–6 gestational weeks).
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