
Indigo Rose born 16 August 2013

hypnobirthing hypnobirth hypnosis childbirth pregnancy natural birth caboolture maternity breathing techniques(Sent 11.09am 16 August after giving birth at 3am that morning!!!!)

Hi Melissa. I want to introduce you to our princess Indigo Rose. Born this morning at 3am and weighing in at a whopping 9 pounds!

I had an appointment on Wednesday at 39+2 and my midwife did a sneaky stretch and sweep without telling me. I was a little upset and kicking myself that I hadn’t said something before hand because I hadn’t wanted any intervention so early. Because bub still wasn’t engaged though I thought it may help me avoid an induction (I was sure she would come as late as possible).

Woke up at 3am with surges coming fours minutes apart but only mild. We stayed home until 4pm listening to our affirmation cd and breathing through the surges. By then I was concerned because they were starting to get closer together (2.5-3 mins) and lasting for at least a minute.

We arrived at hospital at around 5 to find I was 6 cm dialated. Unfortunately, four hours later I’d only gained another cm so my waters were broken at around 1 :-/.

I eventually started pushing at 2am and we had our whopping 9 pound princess at 3:10am.
It was a loooonnnggg process but I am so proud of myself for pushing through and having a 24 hr labour with absolutely no pain relief.

There were points where I doubted myself but mark was absolutely amazing. I would pay for the course for times over again just for the techniques it taught him. I definitely couldn’t have made it without him!

My favourite affirmation was “I WILL have a positive birth story to tell!” And I think I definitely achieved that! Thank you so much for everything, I know for a fact that my labour would have be very different if we hadn’t of had your techniques!

Kiah and Mark, very proud first parents :-)

Caboolture, Queensland

hypnobirthing caboolture hypnosis childbirth natural birth labour pregnancy hypnobirth antenatal classes

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