Suzanne’s Birth Story
Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Celine 3.175 kgs
40weeks 6days
I was lying in bed, listening to ‘rainbow mist’, drifting off to sleep when my waters broke around midnight. It was just a constant light trickle. I didn’t panic. I just went to the toilet and put on a pad and went back to sleep. After about one hour, I realised I had been in a in an out of sleep, sleeping through the first of my contractions. I couldn’t believe how relaxed I was. Subconsciously practising my breathing and relaxing my face and body.
Staying calm and breathing through my contractions, whilst also using a tens machine, it was a 1.5 hour drive to the hospital.
When I’m the birthing suite, I was so glad I made my birth preferences simple and clear. I had a salt lamp, low lights, low voices, minimal intervention and I only had one midwife who popped in occasionally to check on me. No one even suggested to check how dilated I was. I was in my zone and they respected that and allowed me to labour, riding through my contractions like a wave, knowing that they’d pass soon. I laboured for a couple of hours with my husband by my side before Dr Lionel Steinberg joined us and assisted and guided me through the delivery where, with Lionel’s help, I was privileged to deliver my own daughter.
I would not have had such a calm and cathartic experience, if it wasn’t for the Hypnobirthing class.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.