I walked out of the hospital as one proud Mumma! I did it!

Hi Melissa,

I’ve been meaning to send you an email for a while now. I cannot thank you enough. Your online course enabled me to have the birth that I had wished for and the complete opposite experience to my first birth.Anna Holding baby lilly only seconds after birth

My first birth was a nightmare. 3 days of pre-labour and no sleep. Instead of resting my body I thought it was wise to walk around all day to help move things along. At 8.30 pm my surges were manageable and 3 minutes apart. At 9 pm my waters broke and from that moment I had back to back surges without a break. At the hospital, they advised me to go back home as I was “only 2cm” dilated.

6 hours later with back to back surges, I was 3cm dilated. At this point, I had nothing left and felt disappointed about not progressing. I asked for an epidural. 10 hours later I was 9.5cm dilated with my baby going into foetal distress and had to pretty much be ripped out with forceps. My son’s eyes were swollen shut and his ear was black. I couldn’t walk properly for 2 months after having a large episiotomy.

Pregnant with my second I wanted to try everything I could to turn my previous experience into a positive one and I found your online Hypnobubs course.

I’m so glad I did. I listened to your tracks every night for 2-3 months. I leaned forward on my birth ball every day to make sure bub is in the right position. My hospital bag was packed with aromatherapy, clary sage, led candles, my hypnobirthing folder and my birth preferences.

On the day of my birth I woke up at 1.30 am with mild period pains, took 2 Panadol put my playlist on and went back to bed and relaxed, breathed and visualised myself in the water going up up up that wave.

At 5 am I got up to have a shower and wash my hair. All I could hear in my head was your voice Melissa “going up up up”. I was so relaxed, so calm and so very much in control. From 6 am I had to add “Aaaaahs” to my breathing on all fours. We arrived at the hospital at 6.50 am. When I got to the birth suite I felt like I needed to push and a few pushes later my beautiful baby girl Lily Alice was born. It was 7.19 am.

I couldn’t believe it!

It felt amazing!

I felt strong, so empowered and so proud. One first degree tear felt like nothing compared to the episiotomy I had 2.5 years earlier.

The next day I walked out of the hospital as one proud Mumma.

All I can say is THANK YOU MELISSA and well done on your course!


Hypnobirthing Mum from the Southern Highlands NSW

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