Lizzie’s Birth Story
Baby George
Jan 2022
Albany Hospital
The birth was intense! But absolutely everything I had hoped for-the Sunday night I had started noticing regular Braxton hicks type contractions and had a feeling something was starting … then woke up with pain in the early hours of Monday and laboured at home with the tens until 10am Tuesday morning (after calling the hospital twice and being told to stay put as I had no show, no leakage and contractions were still 6-7 mins apart…)We then made the call to go up and get checked whether they sent me home or not and as soon as we hung up the phone I went into active labour! I found the TENS machine useful and a little tip–turn it down in between surges so you feel the difference–AMAZING!
I think resting and dozing in between surges (as much as humanly possible) really helped me dilate. I was so surprised when the midwife checked and I had actually made it to 6cm in all that time, tried the gas and opted for an epi in the end as I was so exhausted and really wanted to enjoy the last few hours which turned out to be the best decision for me, started pushing at 3:30pm and he was born at 4:30.
So in total we only spent 5ish hours labouring in hospital and were able to go home the next day! I have to say, aside from the brilliant midwives at Albany, I really do have to credit the Hypnobirthing Australia course for how smoothly everything went, I managed to keep my body relaxed through surges and had absolutely n0 fear knowing all my options!! I ticked off nearly every point on my birth prefs, it was absolutely perfect, so thank you so much. I also made sure to tell the girls who helped me bring him into the world, I think one of my midwives actually teaches the face to face courses in Albany.
You can’t prepare yourself for birth as it is WILD, you can put yourself in the position to roll with whatever it throws at you mentally and physically and I most definitely got that from the course. Will be booking in for a refresher for the next bub for sure!
Thanks again Kasey