We commenced our hypnobirthing journey with Jemma Vyas from South East Hypnobirthing in Melbourne providing us with her one-day intense session back in September 2019. Being a midwife myself, I knew the birth I wanted to have, a calm and positive birth. My husband Ted was keen to do childbirth education classes and when we discussed hypnobirthing he was, yes unsure and had the “hippie” impression like a lot of people do, but he was on board for us to have a birth we wanted. After attending Jemma’s session and now since we have had our beautiful Hypno-baby he would himself recommend it.
Our labour and birth journey started at 38 weeks and 1 day, on the 10th of December at 0620 hours. After losing my plug, having an obstetrician appointment and acupuncture all the day prior followed by a lovely nights sleep, I was awoken to that warm feeling that I was sure wasn’t poor bladder control. Whilst not convincing, I got up to prepare my body for a day I was potentially going to meet our baby. Ted at this time was at work and was reassured everything was ok and to just aim to be home around midday unless I felt he needed to be home sooner. I spoke with my obstetrician who was initially going to see me to confirm that my waters had broken, however, once I became convinced as the loss increased we awaited until I needed her. I also let my midwives know that they may be coming in to support me also. My contractions didn’t start straight away and initially was eased into them which allowed me to start utilising my tools. With the clary sage going in the diffuser, Christmas movies on tv and sitting on a gym ball things were progressing. At 1130 hours I checked in that the husband was on his way, whilst feeling relatively comfortable still, subconsciously I think I called him because I knew I was progressing. When the tens machine wasn’t cutting it, I moved on into the shower. It was the perfect environment for me to focus on my body and baby. I had my hypnobirthing tracks now playing, the lights off and a candle burning. Ted got home I think around 1230 and I felt another sense of relaxation, he cut up fresh fruit and made sure I was hydrated. He asked me what time I thought we would meet our baby, I said to him I think around 5-6 pm. As time went on from here the contractions were becoming more intense and I was starting to think about the next stages of heading up to the hospital for some gas or morphine. My obstetrician arrived at my house 1330 hours, I was assessed as 5cm and fully effaced. We gathered our things and had decided I was going to make my way to the hospital, which thank goodness was 5 minutes away as those tiny bumps were not comfortable when you had a contraction. 1500 hours we were in the hospital, I tried a little bit of gas but I could not focus, the midwife initially was doing her assessments as she is required but all I wanted to do was get into my own space, so I moved into the bathroom. My midwives I had coming in for my labour and birth then arrived and once again I felt a sense of relaxation and could re-focus on my positive birthing. However, things were progressing and there was that overpowering urge to bear down. But it couldn’t be time, I kept thinking, I was only 5cm not long ago and this is my first baby, it seems too soon to feel that sensation. Then there was Ted telling me that if I’m feeling that I needed to bear down than do it, he was telling me to listen to my body. There was I, on the other side and I was now holding onto the words that my support team provided. I moved from the bathroom to the floor, to squatting and bearing down off the side of the bed. I felt I couldn’t do it, I felt nothing was happening and we once more changed positions to on the bed. A mirror was then placed in front of me and I could see our baby’s head, I could see more and more with each push I gave, my support team kept me going and gave me the strength when I didn’t think I had it and after just over an hour of working our baby out, she was here. Our beautiful Annabelle Mary up to my chest straight away and crying her little lungs out. The cord was cut by ted once it had stopped pulsating, the placenta was birthed when it was ready and the room the whole time was calm. Annabelle was born 3.21kg and 48cm long and has remained a calm and beautiful baby.
On the 10th December, I had the positive birth that I had worked for and wanted, I had a team that respected and supported me the whole way through and Ted and I now have our healthy baby girl, Annabelle. I would not change a thing and will hypnobirth again.
Hypnomum – Bianca
Find out more about our Hypnobirthing Online Course HERE.