
Hypnobirthing techniques being used 18 months on

Dear Melissa,I just wanted to let you know how valuable your Hypnobirthing techniques have been in my life for the last 18 months.We hypnobirthed our beautiful boy Asher in January 2011 and did so well that the OB missed the birth as I breathed Ash out in the bathroom at John Flynn while we were still waiting for the bath to fill for our planned water birth! I birthed Asher with just a sighing sound, which I never believed possible, even after watching your videos!

I then had great difficulty feeding Ash with mastitis, cracked nipples and a 4 year old interrupting every feed. I used the breathing to calm myself and to enhance my let down. With help from the ABA and regular hypno breathing we soon got the hang of it and I’m proud to say I fed Ash for 14 months.

Asher was an amazingly zen baby who has turned into such a happy little boy. I credit Hypnobirthing with his temperament ” I believe his calm, safe and loving entry into the world shaped his personality. Check out his pic taken last week ” loving his morning sleep!!

My four year old is now at the nuclear tantrum stage with volcanic arguments, tears and broken hearts a daily occurrence. I have taught her a variation of hypno breathing where she breathes as big as she can 4 times (to match her age) in order to get control of her emotions before we work on a solution together. It works a treat and dissolves the tantrum immediately.

One month ago I ruptured a disc and compressed a nerve in my spine. Medical treatment (physio, a nerve block) didn’t work, but hypno breathing each night in bed helped ease the pain.

Today I had surgery on my spine and when I woke up I was shivering and twitching involuntarily as a side effect of the anesthetic. Hypno breathing re-oxygenated my body and soon brought an end to the muscle spasms.

And now tonight I am in recovery and using the breathing to calm down, stop focusing on the other patient in the ward, and prepare for sleep.

But before I drift off I wanted to thank you for the amazingly valuable skills you taught me and let you know how widely applicable they are. I’ve recommended hypno to all my pregnant friends and proudly tell my awesome hypno birth experience as it’s so important for preggie mamas to hear the great stories and not the nightmares!

Thanks again,

Courtney, Burleigh Waters, Queensland

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