
Hypnobirthing allowed me to go into my birth with a completely different perspective!

Dear Melissa,

My husband and I completed the online Hypnobirthing course throughout our pregnancy and the information and skills we developed helped immensely with the birth of our little girl. I can honestly say the online course contributed to us having the most positive and incredible birth. My husband was an incredible coach and support throughout the entire labour and my mum was a fantastic back massager!

I feel so empowered by the experience and feel so grateful I can tell my story from a positive place. A story so different from all the negative and fearful accounts I had been exposed to in the last 9 months and most of my life to be honest!

The Hypnobirthing course allowed me to go into the experience with a completely different perspective and mindset and one I feel which allowed it to transpire the way it did. I handled the surges and bearing down better than I could ever have imagined which contributed to completely natural birth (with only a bit of gas to help me through some of the more intense surges!) and no stitches!

We had lavender incense burning, the lights down, meditation music playing and our lotus flower pictures placed strategically around the room ? Our midwife and obstetrician were amazing and we will never forget them.

The whole experience was overwhelmingly positive and I will forever be grateful. I’ve kept my folder in a special spot with all our notes ready for our next birth!

I cannot thank you enough Melissa.


I’ve kept my folder in a special spot with all your notes ready for our next birth 🙂

Thank you again Melissa, so so much.


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