
Homebirth support

Homebirth Support

A Mom Holds Her Brand New Son In a Birthing Pool

Thinking of having a home birth?

Many mothers are opting for a home birth due to the calm, comfortable, and familiar environment birthing at home provides. When in a calm and familiar environment research shows that your labour is more likely to progress smoothly, your oxytocin levels will remain nice and high, your level of relaxation will be optimal because you feel safe and secure. 

When we enter a new space such as transitioning to the hospital this can sometimes disrupt our labour which can cause surges to slow down. Even though you may be relieved to have arrived in the hands of a midwife your subconscious knows it’s an unfamiliar environment. 

If planning on having a home birth our Hypnobirthing Australia™ Positive Birth Program is the perfect program to prepare you for your upcoming birth. Knowledge is power! We also recommend researching to find the perfect homebirth support team for you.  Click here to view our recommended services. 

Homebirth Australia is a group of consumers and midwives committed to ensuring the survival of homebirth as a birth option for Australian women, with the overall aim of public-funded homebirth across the country. You can click here to visit the HomeBirth Australia website.

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