Hi Melissa,
At about 4:30am on Easter Sunday morning I woke up feeling tightenings in my belly. I tried to go back to sleep because this had happened so many mornings before but they kept coming, so I got up and had a shower thinking if this was it they would still be happening after the shower; and yes they were.
I got dressed and sat on my birth ball in our living room in front of the windows, put on some rainbow relaxation and stayed there until 6am when the sun was up. Tightenings were still happening about once every 5 minutes for about 1 minute or so each so I called my doula and my Mum and woke up my partner Stewart and told him that the baby would be here today.
All day I had the surges for about the same intervals ” every 4-5 minutes going from 1-2 minutes each. At around 3pm both my doula and I felt a shift in my energy and decided it was time to head to the hospital. On the way to the hospital I listened to my relaxation music with my eyes closed through the surges. Arriving at the hospital I was admitted and soon taken to a birthing suite. I can’t recall all too clearly the time from when I arrived until later in the night as it just didn’t seem to matter.
At 10.31pm my son Finn was born via caesarean section, and although the birth at the end did not go as planned, I would never have been able to get through the 18 hours of my labour without the Hypnobirthing techniques and remain drug free.
Thank you for all of your support and education with the classes. I tell all the mums-to-be I meet about Hypnobirthing and what valuable techniques it taught me to help me through a long labour.
Kelly, Stewart, Seth and baby Finn, Camp Hill, Brisbane