Feedback on classes with Melissa

Dear Melissa, I hope you are well  🙂 

I wanted to share my thoughts on the Hypnobirthing classes Nick and I were attending with you. 

Personally I couldn’t wait to start them and after the 1st class I was thinking “YES we are in the right place -this is exactly what I believe in” and I felt very comfortable with what and all you were teaching the new parents to be. I never wanted to leave the class to go to the toilet because I didn’t want to miss a thing you said  :O)

No wonder you are so excited by what you teach, its amazing and wonderful! Everyone needs to know about Hypnobirthing.
You are terrific with people and such a wonderful teacher, making sure we all understood what you are trying to teach us. Nick was converted during the 1st class ( he hadn’t read the book before coming) otherwise it would have made more sense than the info I gave

We loved your positive words and amazing personality/energy & I feel I can not thank you enough for how you have helped me.

Melanie Hovey, Gold Coast classes, July 2012
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