
Ellie Faith born 3 November 2011

385877_10150433618657149_360037147148_8797625_1112022277_n-300x300What a great opportunity the Hypnobirthing skills gave me in having a beautiful natural birth.
On the 3rd of November we welcomed little Ellie into the world and she is such a happy, calm and alert little thing. After a really healthy pregnancy, it was awesome that my ‘labour’ followed suit.
From the time my waters broke, until we held Ellie in our arms was 7 hours…a great time for a first birth. The Hypnobirthing had given me all I needed to remain cool, calm and collected as my labour began. I even headed out to afternoon tea with my mum after my waters had broken. I knew that the labour was going to go smoothly as I had prepared so much in getting my body to relax.
On arriving at the hospital the midwives did not know how far a long I was and showed me to our hospital room. I was joking around at this point midst the surges and this threw them off a bit. I started to be hooked up for the usual checks of heart beat, contraction intensity etc. but asked to go to the bathroom before they had checked to see how far a long I was. They told us to call them back when we ready for the rest of the checks.
About an hour later I knew things had progressed but did not realise I was already in transition. I had spent the last hour just in the hospital room…not even looking at a birthing suite yet. My husband called the midwives in at this point and as they checked my progress I was already 10cm…taking everyone by surprise. They quickly called my doctor and within 30 minutes Ellie had entered the world.
My obstetrician commented on how calm the birth was ” The calmest he had seen in almost all of his 25 year career.”
We were the talk of the ward for the next 4 days, with all the midwives popping in to see the lady who birthed so calmly. Then a few days after birth they asked my husband and I to speak to the antenatal class that was visiting that day. We did so, promoting the awesomeness of natural birth.
The experience brought my husband and I so much closer together and we are an unstoppable team now. Our little girl was already smiling from 2 weeks and I know that is because she entered the world so calmly.
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