
Elizabeth Harper born 5 January 2012

I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Elizabeth Harper Fuentes on 5 January 2012.  She was a cute little doll, weighing 6 pounds, 3 oz and measuring 48 cm!  We are so in love with her and her brother Michael just thinks she is fantastic.

I really wanted to write to you because I really wanted to share my Hypnobirthing experience with you.  It is slightly unusual in that whilst we originally set out to have a completely natural VBAC, we did end up having another c-section ” however this time around, I was totally okay with how things worked out and for this reason feel that it is really important to me to be able to share my story ” I want to prove to all out there that not only does Hypnobirthing work, but it works for c-sections just as well and I truly believe that a huge part of why my experience with my second c-section was so great was due to the fact that I embarked upon a Hypnobirthing type of birth.

I first began having some light discomfort on the evening of the 3th January and throughout the majority of the 4th as well ” to be honest I thought I could actually have food poisoning because I felt more nauseous than anything else!  I had been experiencing some braxton hicks the week before and so had some good practice breathing through some of those ‘surges’ ” I had my posters everywhere throughout the house so no matter where I went, I would practice!  Towards the end of the day of the 4th of January I started getting some consistent surges ” I listened to the affirmations which Miguel had taped for me (Miguel had put his own spin on the affirmations and personally added some of his own which I thought was very special) and also had a nice hot bath whilst I waited for him to return home from work.  Once the surges were around 10 mins apart I rang my Obstetrician who suggested I come in to the hospital for a check ” given I was a VBAC, I knew this would likely be the case, although I had previously run through our entire birth plan with my Obstetrician and he was extremely supportive of how we wanted to birth.

We arrived at the hospital later that evening and with each and every surge, I just focussed on my breathing, the script and visualised the opening blossom as much as possible.  We set up our room and explained to the midwives that we were a ‘Hypnobirthing family’ ” everyone was so supportive and friendly.  All in all, I was in labour for approximately 20 hours, however never dilated.  The baby was ‘asynclitic’ and was showing no signs of moving despite my swaying, squatting and trying everything possible.  My obstetrician outlined all the possibilities for us and I asked him to explain the options to be using the ‘BRAN’ technique ” after knowing all the facts and given that my baby’s heart rate was doing so well, we decided that it was best to proceed with a c-section.  I felt so comfortable with the decision, I felt empowered because it had been my choice to make (unlike my previous birth where I was simply told at 36 weeks that I would ‘need’ a c-section because my baby was breech).  My midwife was so beautiful and she specialised in Hypnobirthing so throughout the entire 20 hour labour before the c-section I felt in control, relied on no drugs and felt fresh to take on a second c-section.  Miguel actually has a photo of me sitting on the edge of the bed moments before the spinal tap went into my back and I am full of smiles ” I just felt so excited and not nervous at all!!  The midwife and Obstetrician both listened to my needs and that I wanted to hold and breastfeed my baby girl immediately ” I was able to bond with her for approximately 20 minutes before having to go to recovery.  Once I was back in my room with my baby, I received the very first visit from my much younger 16 year old brother who’s first words to me were ‘Ingrid, you look so normal’!!! The next morning, I was up and walking straight away, having a shower, doing my hair and make up and just felt so healthy and strong.  I wasn’t even on any strong medication within a few days of having the c-section and the Obsterician as well as the nurses were incredibly amazed at my speedy recovery.  They also kept commenting on how placid my baby was and the fact that she breast fed so easily straight away.

I believe that the combination of the Hypnobirthing techniques, acupuncture, and the great hospital staff and of course my wonderful husband who kept me going throughout it all really assisted me in having a great birth ” sure it was not the birth that I had ideally wanted, but I do not feel anything but comfortable with the fact that we ended up having to have a c-section because in my mind and heart I know that this was the best decision for me and my baby.  But I believe that I am testament to the fact that any woman can have a great Hypnobirthing experience if she follows whatever direction her birth takes her and listens to her body ” because if you do this, then you cannot go wrong.

Thank you so much for everything Melissa ” you were a fantastic teacher and I will be sure to recommend you and Hypnobirthing to all my friends.

I have also attached a photo of me with my beautiful Elizabeth ” I think she is just gorgeous.

Ingrid & Miguel, Drewvale, Queensland

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