
Elijah, born 13 September 2015

Hypnobirthing in China!

Hi Melissa

On the 13th of September we welcomed baby Elijah Aten earth side.

hypnobirthing china hypnobubs antenatal class onlineHere’s a little run down of how it happened: contractions started at 2:30 am, 8 minutes apart. I lay in bed breathing through my surges, keeping relaxed. At 4:00 I woke my husband and asked him to contact our doula and the hospital to let them know what was happening. At 4:30 my instincts told me to go go go. And luckily we did. I made it to the birthing room at 4:50 and Elijah was born at 5:09 am, 4060g 52cms.

So different to when I birthed Maya. I was bearing down, or as my doula calls it, involuntarily pushing in the taxi on the way to the hospital. My body just took over and my mind and breathing kept me calm. It all happened so fast. It was great!

Thank you again for all that you’ve taught us. Your virtual classroom is fantastic. Hubby was on it daily while we waiting in Shanghai for our baby to come, reminding me what I needed to do during the birth.

Here are a couple photos, I hope you enjoy.


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