Hello MelissaI have some great news to share with you!Tom and I birthed our son Carter on Tuesday 24th.
On Monday night at 8pm my waters broke and the hospital wanted to induce me straight away as I tested positive to group b step and they wanted to start antibiotics immediately. I didn’t feel comfortable doing this as the doctors were not able to indicate the increased risk to the baby or myself if I want induced. So we went home and I was told to go back by 8am the following day for a check and possible induction.On the way home from the hospital I referred to all my hypnobirthing ways to induce labour/surges. I started with acupressure points, aromatherapy, listening to your sound tracks and massage with clary sage oil.Just like magic my surges started at 11pm that night, I managed to breathe through them and listened to your sound tracks until 3am when we went to the hospital and I was 8cms.After 8 hours of active labour and 40 minutes of pushing we birthed our son.I did not tear or require any stitches and used the breathing techniques along with 1 morphine injection to assist with the intensity and back pain.I was completely in my own world and did not even open my eyes.Tom was the most amazing support and did not leave my side the whole time.Thankyou so much for assisting us to have an amazing experience for the birth of our first baby!Sam & TomYou can find your closest Hypnobirthing Australia Classes HERE.
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