The combined skills of Yoga and Hypnobirthing techniques has allowed me to serve 100’s of mums in my local area over the past 8 years. It is so lovely to catch up with parents after their birth and hear how the pregnancy classes and hypnobirthing techniques helped to positively influence their birth.
Birth is so raw and primal; in this day and age, many of us have lost touch with this side of ourselves. Pregnancy yoga can help women to connect to their body in a safe way. Through specific movements and learnt breathing techniques women naturally deepen their understanding of what they need to do to birth their baby. A woman’s awareness is naturally turned inwards during pregnancy, making it so much easier for her to relax into herself. I have observed this many times over the years and it never ceases to amaze me.
The ‘hypno’ part of hypnobirthing gives mothers a much-needed tool to help them get beyond the chatter of their mind, and allow their body to do what is designed to do.
The theoretical knowledge learnt throughout the course gives parents a greater appreciation for the physiological processes of birth.
It is so important to recognise that what we do and the choices we make during pregnancy have a huge impact on our birth.