I am Dr Amy McAlpine. I am a registered Clinical and Forensic Psychologist with over 14 years‚experience in counselling and psychology working in government and private practice settings. I am also a hypnobirthing mum who used Hypnobirthing Australia‚ Positive Birth Program for my two children born in 2015 and 2020. Both of these births were in their own way empowering and amazing because of the amazing strategies I learned in the program.
Throughout my clinical experience, I have encountered mums who have been under-informed or unaware of their birthing rights and choices, or even what to expect for labour and birth. Some mothers also present to therapy with anxiety and tokophobia (fear of birthing) or following birth trauma which sometimes contributes to postnatal mood and coping concerns.
I feel deeply passionate about helping women and their birthing partners start off on the right foot with their relationship with their baby and parenthood by assisting them to feel positive and empowered about labour and birth. I was so excited to birth my babies and I want others to feel this same confidence, calmness, excitement and joy for the day they meet their baby- and beyond!
1 Review on “Amy McAlpine- Western Australia, Leederville”
My wife and I completed the hypnobirthing course in April with Amy and we couldn’t recommend it enough!! The course provided such insightful content and practical skills to help prepare us both for birth. The course really helped me understand the role of a birthing partner and how I can support my partner through birth. This course should be standard practice for anyone expecting!