
How Can Mothers & Midwives Work Together to Stop the Overmedicalisation of Birth?

This 7 minute video contains many gems of wisdom!

Professor of Midwifery, Cecily Begley (Trinity College, Ireland), was interviewed at a recent midwifery conference and she discussed the overmedicalisation of birth and ways that mothers and midwives can work together to change it. 

In this video you will learn:

  • How birth is a normal physiological function of the body which has become overly medicalised
  • The cascade of intervention – labour disturbed, synthetic oxytocin, pethadine, epidurals, ‘breaking waters’, forceps or c-section caesarean delivery
  • Why episiotomies are mostly unwarranted and should be considered an assault on women
  • How women can access evidence based information regarding birth
  • The trouble with most traditional forms of antenatal childbirth education classes
  • Rising rates of intervention
  • How mothers and midwives need to stand together to halt and change the over-medicalisation of birth

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