Our little son was born on Monday 17 September at 9.46am. He was 10 pounds 3 and the most adorable thing we’ve ever seen, but I guess most new parents would say that and rightly so!
The journey took nearly 24 hours, but about 11 in hospital. I birthed him naturally however didn’t come out quite unscathed…. and had the odd stitch…. but my god is it worth any amount of repair work after they place the little being on your chest……. absolutely speechless at the miracle of birth….. I’m up for round 2 if I’m lucky enough to be able to….
The birth, for me, was the most surreal thing I’ve ever experienced. It is an inescapable pressure and the most intense feeling in the world. The female body is an incredible piece of art, I have to say. We were made for this. We were made to birth, and I’d do it again and again……
Thank you again for all that you’ve done in helping us on this journey.
All our love,
Beck and Rock xoxox
Keparra, Queensland