We wanted to let you all know we had a beautiful home birth of our baby boy on Monday at 2am.
The labour was only 2 1/2 hours and we didn’t make it to hospital as we were told to stay at home as we were in early labour and to wait until labour was established.
Surges became fast and stronger very quickly and with 2 birth breaths he was born in the shower.
He was fine, very calm. My mother-in-law had just arrived to stay with our daughter while we went to hospital and said she couldn’t believe how quiet and calm it was. My daughter slept in the next room.
Thank you to Melissa and Hypnobirthing. Our experience was unbelievable. We were told from 34 weeks there was a problem and I should be induced or have a caesarian as our baby was to small and we should have continuous monitoring. I was not allowed to birth at the birth centre or have a water birth as I was high risk and I had scans 1-2x a week for the last 6 weeks and went to hospital every 2nd day for a heart trace.
I always believed everything was fine and normal and refused intervention. Our baby is perfect and very calm. I had no tearing.
Thank you to Melissa and Hypnobirthing. Our experience was unbelievable.
Emma and Ben, Kedron, Brisbane