Are Hypnobirthing Babies Easier?

by Melissa Spilsted

I often receive emails and messages from parents that I have taught in the past; telling me how calm and relaxed their hypnobubs are. It happens so often that I can’t help but feel that  our mindset, bonding and relaxation practice through pregnancy and labour make a huge impact on our babies. I have come to the conclusion that hypnobirthing babies are, in general ‘calm and alert’ and often (unless there are other issues present) ‘easier’ babies.

After each of my own hypnobirths, people repeatedly described our babies as, “so calm… and alert”. I thought it strange at the time, that so many different people would use the same descriptive words. I believe that the comment keeps being made because it is unusual in this day and age for a brand new baby to be bright eyed, holding their head up, calm and alert. For myself and other hypnobirthing parents… this is actually just normal. They will cry and fuss when they want something or are uncomfortable, as any baby will… but generally, our babies seem to be quite calm.

The hypnobirthing techniques are not just for our pregnancy and birth; they are tools for life. Every day I use techniques such as breathing, relaxation, affirmations and a positive mindset in my role as a parent.

Now please don’t get me wrong… I’m not saying that my children are perfect little angels and never had a little tantrum :) ” but I must say that they are all quite calm, alert and happy, even to this day! I attribute this partly to their time in the womb, their positive births and the positive mindset that has permeated our role as parents.

I received this email from a hypnobirthing mum and it very much sums up what many, many parents tell me.

Hypnobubs are happy babies, and hypnobirthing parents are happy parents!

"I'm a Happy Hypnobub!"

Hi there Melissa,
I’m not sure how many updates you get after our hypnobub births, but I find myself constantly thinking about you and how much you helped Mark and I and I couldn’t help myself!
Indigo will be 6 calendar months on Sunday and she is the most beautiful cruisey baby. We have never had an issue with her in regards to anything! She had a slight tongue tie which made feeding a challenge in the start, but even then, things just felt so easy.
As much as non-hypnomums will scoff, I honestly attribute indigos easy going personality to our birth.
When I look back on the day indigo joined us earth side, I feel so powerful! I look forward to our next birth and embracing it even more, because, let’s face it, you could listen to hypnobirthing CDs every day leading up to the birth of your first child and you would still be a little concerned about what was coming in the back of your mind!
Mark still talks (brags) about indigo’a birth frequently. He often comes home and talks about how the other ‘blokes’ on job sites curse him because he talks about birth so positively and gets a solid 8 hours sleep a night! They say it shouldn’t be so easy! Oh the things you could teach them!!!!
Well, I better wrap it up. I guess I wanted to let you know that what you taught us has changed more than just the way our beautiful daughter entered the world, it has changed the way we think and parent our baby.
When I watch one born every minute (now that indigo has been born, I’m assuming your ban on watching it has been lifted????? Haha) I get so excited when women refuse pain relief and I can pick transition a mile off. Sometimes I feel like busting out and singing “sisters are doing it for themselves!!!”
I really will wrap it up now! Thank you so much for empowering women everywhere! It’s a movement that has arrived so much later than it should have!!!!
I look forward to seeing you at our refresher course in the not too distant future! (Hopefully!!)
Kiah, Mark and Indigo x

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