Archie, born 12 November 2014

Hi Melissa,

Thanks to you (and the practice we did), our birthing tool box was full and allowed us to welcome little Archie into the world on the 12th November. Here’s our happy birthing story:

My surges started at 11.30pm on Monday night and continued through the night but not get any closer than 5 minutes apart. All day Tuesday they remained 10 minutes apart and advanced to 6 minutes apart through Tuesday night. During this ‘pre-labour’ stage, Aaron didn’t leave my side as he talked me through each surge, providing light touch massage when he could see they were strong. Through this time I listened to numerous relaxation tracks as well as the affirmations. I changed positions comfortably and freely, and enjoyed this precious time at home.

We arrived at Mullumbimby hospital at 10.30am on Wednesday. I requested an examination – and was happy to hear I was 7cm dilated. My midwife and the other midwife on duty could not believe how relaxed I was and were sincerly suprised at my progression. Comments were made on the laughing occuring in our room between Aaron and I. At 5pm I opted to have my waters broken as I was feeling a little tired (2 nights of almost no sleep during pre-labour), and Archie Michael was born at 8.45pm in the water weighing 9pounds 4 ounces (4.22kg). The affirmations (both original (Surge of the Sea) and the new positive birthing ones (Prompts for Childbirth)) were playing until the end. Although it was a ‘long’ labour, I have nothing but great, happy memories. Much to the suprise of many friends who thought I would be scarred or traumatised after it.

Archie is a happy and calm hypnobub, who rarely gets upset or cries uncontrollably.

Thanks again, I feel blessed to have experienced such a calm, happy birth.

Bridie (and Aaron and Archie)!

hypnobirthing gold coast natural birth hypnobirth melissa

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